I Am Not Here To Amuse You

I adore my grandchildren, more than most things, but I have my own ideas when it comes to watching over children

David Todd McCarty
Published in
8 min readOct 3, 2022


Photo by author. “Quinn”

My wife and I have very different ideas when it comes to grandparenting. She is what one might generously call hands-on and views her role as integral to their individual personal development. I am more like the family dog, looked upon as a fairly useless, but slightly amusing accessory, that just happens to share the same living arrangements with their beloved Uppie.

She will play with them all day, getting on the floor, putting things together, going from one craft or activity to the next, cleaning up hundreds of pieces before dumping an entire tub of a different set of toys. Going to the beach or the playground. Endless puzzles. Reading books and watching children’s programming. Making one meal after another, with an endless selection of snacks in between.

I’m good for about ten minutes, and then I need a break.

I do tickling and roughhousing, but only for as long as it amuses me. I put batteries in things. I do errands. I ooh and ahh. I give lots of hugs. I look up when called and make a fuss. I view my role as ancillary, not essential. I am a side act, not the main show. I am not a clown, show…



David Todd McCarty

A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.