I Debunked Uri Geller

Was My Phoner with a Phony?

Elizabeth Sobieski
Published in
7 min readJul 26, 2023


Bent Spoon, 2006, Felipe Ramos from Porto, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic, (21619616885), Wikimedia Commons

Do you believe in magic?

During the last few weeks, a brouhaha has emerged in the worldwide community of magicians concerning the noted spoon-bender and self-proclaimed psychic Uri Geller.

Published on July 8, a lively feature article in The New York Times by David Segal states that magicians have finally made peace with the Israeli star and that Geller is generating fewer claims of supernatural powers, telekinetic and telepathic abilities granted to him by aliens, and basically hinting at, but not quite admitting, that he’s merely an entertainer and not someone endowed with paranormal abilities.

The writer of The Times piece insists that the magic world has finally “ended its 50-year grudge.“

Yet Segal only names one magician who has changed his mind about Geller, the Australian Ben Harris.

Others, like Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller) are horrified. On his July 16 podcast, Penn’s Sunday School, Jillette calls Segal “a full dyed-in-the -wool dipshit.” About Uri Geller, he says, “He has enriched himself by scamming other people.” He even compares Geller to Donald Trump.

Some stage magicians have come forth to label this lengthy Times story a puff piece, stressing that…



Elizabeth Sobieski

Elizabeth Sobieski @TheMaskedHatter on Instagram, has written for various publications and is the author of “The Masked Hatter-Pandemic Style", Penser Press.