I Debunked Uri Geller

Was My Phoner with a Phony?

Elizabeth Sobieski
Published in
7 min readJul 26, 2023


Bent Spoon, 2006, Felipe Ramos from Porto, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic, (21619616885), Wikimedia Commons

Do you believe in magic?

During the last few weeks, a brouhaha has emerged in the worldwide community of magicians concerning the noted spoon-bender and self-proclaimed psychic Uri Geller.

Published on July 8, a lively feature article in The New York Times by David Segal states that…



Elizabeth Sobieski

Elizabeth Sobieski @TheMaskedHatter on Instagram, has written for various publications and is the author of “The Masked Hatter-Pandemic Style", Penser Press.