Personal Essay

I Invested In A Fancy Education I Never Intended To Use

It’s never a waste to pursue a weird passion

Kristi Keller
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2023


With the soaring costs of higher learning it may sound idiotic to invest in a post secondary education that you never intend to pursue as a career.

Why would someone pay for college, university, or technical school if they have no intention of working in their field of study?

Twenty-five years ago, I pulled this absurd stunt and the only logical reason for it was sheer interest.

You know when you see something intriguing — like a new product, a piece of art, a brilliant creation — and you really want to know how they made it?

That was me with music.

Any time I listened to a piece of music, I was less interested in the collective sound of the song, and more interested in the individual intricacies of it. I wanted to know how they created it, recorded it, and how it was all put together.

I wanted to know so badly that I started looking for schools where I could learn it.

Back in the 90s this was no easy feat for a Canadian. At that time the only two cities in Canada that even came close to offering an education in the entertainment industry were…



Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.