My Romance When On The Road

How does one fall in love? Let me describe the ways

Natasha MH
Published in
8 min readJul 23, 2023


I can easily fall in love with these rock formation. Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

“For a Pisces you are the antithesis to your kind. You’re not a romantic, hardly a dreamer. A Medusa in modern clothes,” my friends often joked. Not all remain friends.

The ones from university, only two I allow in my life up to today. The others are akin to me putting them into a box, and drowning them in the middle of the ocean. That’s me being dreamy and poetic about it.

My university mates were often trying to set me up with friends. It was an endeavor I never asked for. I knew they meant well, but it was all self-serving. At the heart of the matter they knew too well I wouldn’t be interested yet, they persisted because they didn’t want to feel guilty prancing about with their dates while I was on my own, looking out into space. The thing is, I was perfectly fine on my own looking out into space. In my head, I was as occupied as a toilet cubicle in use. The door is locked and someone’s inside. Alive.

What they weren’t aware of at the time, was me sharpening my sense of observation. I was learning to understand how I understood things. I was honing my senses and conducting what experts call self-talk and shadow work.

