Piece Of Eden

And last day in Paradise

Natasha MH
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2022


Photo by K8 on Unsplash

Eve, says Adam
come here, dear woman!
What seems to be the problem?
Asks her, though she hates being called “woman”.

I’m bored and I’m hungry
there’s nothing to do
but to sit here all day
looking at just me and you.

Well, dear Adam
that was never a problem for you
Perhaps you’re just sick and tired
today from nothing to do.

Let’s meditate and pray
do exercises in gratitude
Perhaps that will give you
Something useful to do.

I’d rather not dear woman
That seems cumbersome, I fear
There must be more excitement around here
that won’t bore me with tears.

In walks Satan
always ready to interfere
Oh hello, my dear lovelies
What do we have here?

I’m bored, cried Adam
I feel I want to disappear
Hush now, says Eve to Adam
don’t be too loud or else God will hear.

Oh, the Lord is busy says Satan
He’s building a new stratosphere
Oh is He, chimes Adam
This, I must hear!

Satan tells them about God’s new kingdom
Ah, to join is easy it seems
Just eat the apple,
the forbidden and a dream.

The new kingdom I hear
is full of delight
with mountains and hopes
and this thing called night.

When all is dark
the stars twinkle bright
there’s a moon so round
its light will bring you delight.

Adam, now joyful and excited
leaps up to reach the apple
Eve tries to stops him
Think about this, she says, perhaps for one night.

Adam turns and says,
Eve look at this paradise
It’s boring as fuck,
don’t be such a drag, you sole woman.

Eve, hearing Adam call her a woman
insists she plucks the apple
so she can ram it down Adam’s throat
And this ladies and gentlemen, is what happened.

The apple was plucked
rammed down Adam’s throat
Satan then left
to celebrate his gloat.

In walks God,
looking worse for wear
What’s wrong Mighty Lord, asks Eve
while Adam is gasping for air.

What’s with this nonsense?
He asks
Weren’t you given specific instructions
to eat just avocados, peaches and pears?

I shall now banish you two as punishment
to another place called Land
there you will suffer
what befalls only to Man.

In walks Satan
Dear God, you old man
What’s the story
about this Land for Man?

God replies,
well I was feeling bored, old Satan
so I thought to myself
let’s try cook up a plan.

Those two had no purpose
no hope, no plenitude
they griped for more
than to say thanks with gratitude.

Well that’s your folly too
dear Lord
You thought they were smart
turns out they were not.

And with that God and Satan
walks out of Eden
God chuckles to Satan
Fine, you’re right, now we’re even.

