Searching For Silver Linings

It’s easy to be critical of just about everything in these trying times, but we have to strive to find the good

David Todd McCarty
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2024


I was listening to a podcast this weekend called the “Good Life Project” that my spiritually-minded cousin Sean turned me on to. I don’t think he likes it much when I refer to him as “spiritually-minded,” as it makes him seem pretentious or even a bit grandiose. On the other hand, he does live in the Bay Area and is pretty intimate with the teachings of gurus and mystics like Alan Watts and Ram Dass. Walks and talks like a duck, so, you know, probably a duck.

Sean uses terms like transference, acceptance, and disengagement and believes in the search for personal truth. Plus, he’s sober, which, in my experience, automatically makes him a seeker of sorts. I don’t view any of this as a knock. It’s just who and where he is. It’s one of the things I like about him. He’s a seeker, and he’s curious. That goes a long way with me. It doesn’t hurt that he’s also smart and articulate.

The podcast I was listening to featured the author Anne Lamott, whom I’ve always appreciated for the way she traverses the spaces between liberal humanism, the insanity of Christianity, the inexhaustible power of love, and a heavy dose of black humor…



David Todd McCarty

A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.