The Truth About The Misery They Like To Call ‘Cabin Fever’

Whoever wrote the dictionary should have invested in the occasional road trip

Kristi Keller
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2024


Image from Canva

I recently came across a thought-provoking headline that read, “One great sentence can launch a whole story.” In my case, it isn’t a sentence. It’s the phrase, Cabin Fever. I’ve spent far too much time mulling over the definition these past few days.


a state characterized by anxiety, restlessness, and boredom, arising from a prolonged stay in a remote or confined place.

That definition did not compute for me and therefore, I propose an official change to the dictionary definition of cabin fever.

The phrase should be, “Stuck-in-the-same-condo-for-7-years Fever.”

I have never met a cabin that made me feel anxious and irritable by sitting inside it for extended periods. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Cabins make me never want to return to my real home — a concrete and siding building where I can hear my neighbors snore.

There’s no fever at home. Just four-slabs-of-drywall mania.

I want some log walls and a fireplace. I want a wooden staircase that leads to an A-frame loft where my writing studio…



Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.