Weed Quiets My Monkey Brain, But It’s No Cocktail

How I quit drinking, experimented with marijuana as a sleep aid, and eventually took to enjoying it recreationally

David Todd McCarty
Published in
7 min readFeb 22, 2023


Photo by Ash Edmonds on Unsplash

One of the great joys of drinking, for me anyway, had always been the ability to habitually lose my mind on the regular. I don’t mean in the form of going mad or losing my shit, but of putting my troubles aside aided by the blissful dimness of ethanol poisoning. It’s a near-perfect drug for that. Forget all your troubles, c’mon get happy.

I was watching a new standup special from Jim Jefferies last night, and in one part, he discussed his decision to stop drinking. To anyone who has followed his career in standup, this did not come as a shock as he’s often discussed his abusive relationship with alcohol and his on-again-off-again approach to dealing with it and the repercussions for his drunken behavior. For reasons entirely his own, he decided to quit permanently, or at least for the time being. Never say never. Shit happens.

But then he discovered weed.

“Why didn’t someone tell me?” he cried. “Weed is awesome!”

He played the room as if he was going to talk about some profound, emotional revelation that allowed him to stop drinking…



David Todd McCarty

A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.