Kinga Lewandowska
Ellenwood EP
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2020

Pop music has always been a complex many-faced genre and since recently we’ve all been able to notice subtle changes in the plastic-fantastic dimension of it. The world seems to be shifting towards more freedom for artists such as Lady Gaga to show their true colors. This also means a little bit more room for creativity in its purest form to enter the realm of mainstream music. Charlotte OC has seized this new opportunity to bring her visions and unique sense of style to the table. Even though her main body of work is yet to be released on the last day of March, you can already listen to her EPs and find out how different Charlotte’s music is from anything you’ve heard so far.

If you’re familiar with the classics of American literature, Charlotte O’Connor is who you would imagine as a female version of Edgar Allan Poe. She is dark, ethereal, haunted by demons and there’s pride and pathos in her artistry. This kind of image is as old as the hills, yet it’s completely new on today’s music scene. Charlotte possesses the ability to romanticize loss, grief and anything bad that happened or may potentially happen to any of us. She then turns it into a spooky musical revenge against fate or the ones that have wronged her. It’s a well-known truth that music serves as an emotional outlet and Charlotte is one of the strongest testaments to how powerful that might look and sound like. All she sings about is written all over her face, it’s in all her gestures and in her expressive voice. She can make all the feelings so real that they are almost directly transferred from her to the audience and building upon symbolism she is able to create a strange, yet appealing atmosphere in her songs and videos. We have ravens, snakes, scorpions and even vermin that are to serve the purpose of highlighting the message that is to be conveyed. Even though it all is not necessarily pretty, after experiencing a little bit of what is in Charlotte’s head you want to stay there longer and explore more. Such is the interesting magic of her uniqueness. She’s the brave voice of anybody that lacks the courage to be their dark selves in front of others.

Charlotte OC is not your average pop princess. Her witchy and inimitable style and otherworldly approach to art as well as incredible vocal skills combined with instrumental music make her artistry outstanding. Her album titled “Careless People” is out March 31. I am going to be the first person in the line of fans waiting to buy it.

