3 Steps To “Reset” Your Digital Life

Finding yourself with digital clutters? Here are some simple ways to get organized online.

Elle H. Hall
Elle’s Explanations


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

#RestockTok on TikTok has shown a lot of different ways people are organizing kitchens, bathrooms, and offices. But, how can that translate virtually? Being organized online is just as important as offline. With new social media platforms, digital side hustles, and nonstop emails, it can feel really overwhelming to get anything in order.

As someone with ADHD who grew up as smartphones came out and became commonplace, I found myself with a lot of digital clutter and no easy way to find what I needed.

In 2020, it all came to a head. I was working four jobs plus freelancing, my master’s program was online, and I was doing thesis research. I could never find the articles I needed. My freelance jobs were spread out across my different Google Drives. I never knew my passwords. I knew something needed to give. So, I started working out how to maintain my digital footprint and optimize it to work for me.

It took about two months to really figure out what would work for me. I tried everything that I could find and created a system that really worked for me. From that, I found some simple strategies that anyone who is looking to clean up their clutter can use.



Elle H. Hall
Elle’s Explanations

Dreaming about pastels and regency romances but write mostly about my life, social media, communications strategy, and music.