Ellie Railton
Ellie Railton
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2022


‘A day in the life of the animals at Edinburgh Zoo’

Edinburgh Zoo, UK

Adorable koala!

Edinburgh Zoo, known as the Scottish National Zoo Park, is a non-profit zoo park located in Corstorphine, a suburb of Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital, with expansive views of the city.

Eat, sleep, play all day? What a carefree existence zoo animals lead! These animals have a lot to keep up with, with the thousands of daily visitors who come to see them! During visitor times, some (especially the penguins) enjoy showing off their little waddles around the pool, which is very entertaining! The pandas, on the other hand, are stuck in a never-ending cycle of eating and sleeping!


It may not come as a surprise that zebras spend their days eating and sleeping… how lazy of them! They are sluggish in the sense that they do not move as quickly as horses and surprisingly they can make some amusing noises, communicating by barking and snorting! Zebras are supposed to be more active during the day, but due to the large number of visitors they get each day, they give up and sleep instead. Who are we to blame them?


Another animal that enjoys a relaxing day at the zoo are pandas! They spend 14 hours a day eating bamboo, which accounts for 40% or their own body weight, and they adore it. This is why they are always eating! It takes 28 pounds of bamboo for them to be content for the entire day! Pandas are seen eating in a relaxed sitting posture with their legs stretched out in front of them. It’s an amazing life! When they aren’t eating or taking afternoon naps, they have the energy to climb, even if it’s just up into their beds. As a result of their low-energy diet, pandas do not roar like other bears and try to avoid stressful situations. They do, however, communicate by growling when they are hungry! The cubs whine and croak for attention, which is very cute.


This zoo animal has a large head, a tail that is about half the length of it’s body, is ferocious, and has a large head. Fortunately for us, these tigers do not waste any time running around the zoo. Instead, they are quite lazy and spend their days lounging around. However, it must be very easy getting them to eat, as they have such a large appetite! They enjoy bathing in the water, especially on warmer days, especially from a young age. Adults, on the other hand, have a instinct to hunt, they do it alone at times, meaning they are looking for an excuse to eat you!


Now for the most sociable and attention-seeking animals… penguins. Almost all of the penguins at Edinburgh Zoo are huddled together in groups and enjoy flaunting their skills in front of their visitors. They have excellent sociable skills even in large groups and with poor eyesight (bumping into glass). A penguin’s daily routine may be slow, but every action they take serves a purpose, and swimming is noticeably their favorite! Penguins are busier than we think; they catch their food, look for good nesting spots, plop into the water for a swim and exercise, etc. When they are playing with other penguin friends, you’ll usually see them paddling their webbed feet frantically and doing crazy dives into the water! When they’re not doing this, they’re thinking about food, particularly squid. Yuk! After a busy day of displaying their skills in front of their visitors, the penguins will begin to float in the water or sleep on a rock. This definitely helps them recover and energize for the next day when more visitors come to see them!


A koala’s primary function is to hug trees, look cute, eat, and nap for the rest of the day! Koala’s easily spend at least 18 hours a day sleeping, but when they’re awake they spend a lot of time looking fir food; they don’t like sharing, but who does? These animals are extremely sociable with their neighbors, exchanging snore-like sounds with one another. They don’t have much energy due to their slow-processed leaf food and they consume 1kg per day!

You can expect to see all of the animals at Edinburgh Zoo sleeping off the photos you’ve taken of them. They are accustomed to it on a daily basis, as we know, some are more sociable than others. Coming face to face with these incredible animals is an amazing sight to behold, and it adds to the excitement of visiting the zoo!

