打造溫暖體質的溫薑汁與擇食雞湯 / Warm Ginger Water & Chinese Health-Preserving Chicken Soup Recipe

6 min readSep 26, 2019


偶然聽聞朋友介紹一位中醫師寫的養生書籍,對於當時被免疫系統失調、濕疹纏身、看過無數次中西醫都治不好的我,聽到各種養生方法,都想來試試。上網搜尋後,發現邱錦伶醫師曾是北京同仁堂諮詢師,也是明星天后蔡依林、舒淇的養生顧問; 其兩本著作 “擇食聖經”和”瘦孕聖經”似乎廣受好評,輸入關鍵字 “擇食雞湯” 可以看到超多網友分享的食譜。照著書上的部分食補方法實踐了一個月,濕疹好了、便秘改善了、水腫消了、臉瘦了一點!!再回到大醫院抽血檢查,竟然無大礙! 最神奇的是,生理期間毫無感覺! 完全沒有痛感!!! 最有感的還有,皮膚變好了(每天補充天然的膠原蛋白阿!),好幾個朋友都有發現 (應該不是拍馬屁之類的場面話)。所以決定來分享這神奇的食譜。


根據書裡的說法,打造溫暖體質,可以改善過敏症狀; 備胎的人如果擁有溫暖體質,也能幫助胚胎健康成長,而且懷孕期間的不適症狀也會減緩。只要調整每天三餐的飲食,用食療來預防或復原身體機能,是最簡單又健康的方式了。但是對於上班族、外食族、或是懶人來說,要嚴格執行書裡的指引,可能會有點困難。所以我只挑了溫薑汁和擇食雞湯,其他的忌口食物,只能盡量少吃,畢竟少了麻辣和炸物的人生還是有點無趣。在周末時,先準備好一週份量的薑汁和雞湯,要飲用時直接在薑汁加熱水、微波雞湯即可,每天早上起床先空腹喝溫薑汁,擇食雞湯取代奶茶當作早餐,習慣了也不會覺得麻煩,料理新手也能上手!

Few months ago, I suffered from immune dysfunction and allergy. I could not sleep well and felt terrible, even I went to doctor and took different medicines. However, my friend told me the diet therapy from a chinese physician. The chinese physician is famous as a consultant for many celebrities. After trying the recipe for 1 month, it was amazed that my immune system is getting better and I feel healthier, allergy disappeared, constipation relieved, edema reduced, and I did not have bad cramps on my period. It is because in traditional chinese medical opinion, a cold body constitution will cause inflammation. With a warm constitution, you probably won’t have disease. What’s more, pregnant women won’t feel uncomfortable in the duration of pregnancy. The magical recipe includes the warm ginger water and chinese health-preserving chicken soup. Have the ginger water before breakfast and the chicken soup in breakfast every morning, your body constitution will get warmer and healthier.

溫薑汁 / Warm ginger water

每天早餐前空腹飲用。/ Have the warm ginger water on an empty stomach every morning.

[材料 / Ingredients]

老薑 一斤 / 0.6 kg mature ginger

果菜機或食物調理機 / food processor

濾網 / strainer

玻璃瓶 / glass bottle

[步驟 / Directions]

  1. 老薑去皮後,切小塊。/ Peel the ginger and slice it.
  2. 放入果菜機,加入蓋過薑塊的水,打成汁。/ Put the sliced ginger into food processor, add water (over the ginger), and then puree it.
  3. 把薑渣濾掉,將濾過的薑汁用大火煮滾,煮滾後放涼,然後裝入玻璃瓶存放在冰箱冷藏。 / Strain the liquid to remove the ginger pieces, and boil the ginger liquid. Cool the ginger water, place in a glass bottle, and put it in the refrigerator.

✦以一湯匙的薑汁加入50~100 c.c.熱開水,攪拌均勻即可飲用。/ Every morning before breakfast, put 1 spoon ginger water and 50~100 c.c hot water in a mug and drink it.

✦怕薑味可以加入一茶匙的果寡糖或貳號砂糖; 不可以加黑糖,會上火,也不能加蜂蜜,會拉肚子。/ If you are afraid of the ginger flavor, you can add 1 teaspoon fructose syrup or demerara sugar. Do not use brown sugar (your body will generate too much heat) or honey (you might have diarrhea).

✦以下狀況先暫停飲用: 胃潰瘍發作、胃炎、生理期間經血量過多者。/ If you have stomach ulcer, gastritis, or in the period, do not have ginger water.

擇食雞湯 / Chinese health-preserving chicken soup

四帖養生雞湯,以每週一帖,按照順序、逐周輪流的方式飲用。/ 4 recipes of the chicken soup by week, in order and repeat.

第一週 : 制首烏補氣雞湯 / week 1 : Zhi Shou Wu chicken soup

[功效 / Effects]

補肝腎氣 / Invigorate the liver and kidney.

[材料 / Ingredients]

雞骨架/ chiken bone — 1個 / 1 piece

雞腳 / chicken feet — 6支 / 6 pieces

老薑 / mature ginger — 2大塊 / 2 pieces

[中藥材 / Chinese herbal medicines]

制首烏 / Zhi Shou Wu — 11 g

制黃精 / Zhi Huangjing — 19 g

蔘鬚 (懷孕時抽掉這個) / Shen Xu (remove it while pregnant) — 19 g

枸杞子 / Goji Berry — 19 g

[步驟 / Directions]

  1. 將雞骨架與雞腳汆燙後備用。/ Blanch the chicken bone and chicken feet, and put them aside.
  2. 老薑去皮、拍扁,放入裝了11碗冷水的湯鍋中煮滾,加入汆燙後的雞骨架與雞腳。/ Peel and cut the mature ginger, and then smash it with the knife. Put the ginger pieces in a soup pot with 11 bowls of water, after boiling, put the blanched chicken bone and chicken feet in the soup pot.

3. 所有藥材: 制首烏、制黃精、蔘鬚、枸杞子,清洗後放入煮滾的薑湯湯鍋,以中小火煮1小時後,可加入適量的鹽調味。/ Wash all the chinese herbal medicines: Zhi Shou Wu, Zhi Huangjing, Shen Xu, and Goji Berry, and add them to the soup pot. Simmer the soup for 1 hour, and add some salt to flavor the soup (optional).

4. 熄火後撈出雞骨架、老薑與藥材後,待冷卻放入冰箱冷藏。/ Remove the chicken bone, chicken feet, ginger and chinese herbal medicines, cool the soup and place it in the refrigerator.

第二週:四神茯苓雞湯 / Week 2 :Sishen chicken soup

[功效 / Effects]

安神、美白、消水腫 / Soothe the nerves, whitening, and remove edema.

[材料 / Ingredients]

雞骨架/ chiken bone — 1個 / 1 piece

雞腳 / chicken feet — 6支 / 6 pieces

老薑 / mature ginger — 2大塊 / 2 pieces

[中藥材 / Chinese herbal medicines]

芡實(生) / Qian Shi (raw) — 38 g

淮山 / Chinese yam — 38 g

蓮子(白) / lotus seed (white) — 38 g

茯苓(白) (先剝成塊,泡水2小時後再煮湯) / Fuling (white) (split it in small pieces and pre-soaked in water for 2 hours) — 38 g

[步驟 / Directions]

  1. 將雞骨架與雞腳汆燙後備用。/ Blanch the chicken bone and chicken feet, and put them aside.
  2. 老薑去皮、拍扁,放入裝了11碗冷水的湯鍋中煮滾,加入汆燙後的雞骨架與雞腳。/ Peel and cut the mature ginger, and then smash it with the knife. Put the ginger pieces in a soup pot with 11 bowls of water, after boiling, put the blanched chicken bone and chicken feet in the soup pot.
  3. 所有藥材: 芡實、淮山、蓮子、茯苓(先剝成塊,泡水2小時),清洗後放入煮滾的薑湯湯鍋,以中小火煮1小時後,可加入適量的鹽調味。/ Wash all the chinese herbal medicines: Qian Shi, Chinese yam, lotus seed, Fuling (split it in small pieces and pre-soaked in water for 2 hours), and add them to the soup pot. Simmer the soup for 1 hour, and add some salt to flavor the soup (optional).
  4. 熄火後撈出雞骨架、老薑,藥材不必撈出(跟湯一起食用),待冷卻放入冰箱冷藏。/ Remove the chicken bone and ginger, cool the soup and place it in the refrigerator.

第三週 :天麻枸杞雞湯 / Week 3 :Tianma and Goji Berry chicken soup

[功效 / Effects]

舒筋活絡、加強氣血循環 / Relax tendons and activate collaterals.

[材料 / Ingredients]

雞骨架/ chiken bone — 1個 / 1 piece

雞腳 / chicken feet — 6支 / 6 pieces

老薑 / mature ginger — 2大塊 / 2 pieces

[中藥材 / Chinese herbal medicines]

天麻 / Tianma — 38 g

枸杞子 / Goji berry — 38 g

[步驟 / Directions]

  1. 將雞骨架與雞腳汆燙後備用。/ Blanch the chicken bone and chicken feet, and put them aside.
  2. 老薑去皮、拍扁,放入裝了11碗冷水的湯鍋中煮滾,加入汆燙後的雞骨架與雞腳。/ Peel and cut the mature ginger, and then smash it with the knife. Put the ginger pieces in a soup pot with 11 bowls of water, after boiling, put the blanched chicken bone and chicken feet in the soup pot.
  3. 所有藥材: 天麻、枸杞子,清洗後放入煮滾的薑湯湯鍋,以中小火煮1小時後,可加入適量的鹽調味。/ Wash all the chinese herbal medicines: Tianma and Goji Berry, and add them to the soup pot. Simmer the soup for 1 hour, and add some salt to flavor the soup (optional).
  4. 熄火後撈出雞骨架、老薑,藥材不必撈出(跟湯一起食用),待冷卻放入冰箱冷藏。/ Remove the chicken bone and ginger, cool the soup and place it in the refrigerator.

✦感冒、懷孕期間停用這帖雞湯。 / Do not have this soup while sick or pregnant.

第四週 :清蔬休養雞湯 / Week 4 :Vegetables and chicken soup

[功效 / Effects]

讓身體休養生息 / Health benefit and maintain your body.

[材料 / Ingredients]

雞骨架/ chiken bone — 1個 / 1 piece

雞腳 / chicken feet — 6支 / 6 pieces

老薑 / mature ginger — 2大塊 / 2 pieces

可選擇以下1~2種蔬菜: 胡蘿蔔、木耳、山藥、香菇、杏鮑菇、蓮藕、筊白筍、菱角、皇帝豆。/ Choose 1~2 kinds of vegetables: Carrots, fungus, chinese yam, mushrooms, king oyster mushrooms, lotus roots, water bamboo, water chestnuts, or lima beans.

[步驟 / Directions]

  1. 將雞骨架與雞腳汆燙後備用。/ Blanch the chicken bone and chicken feet, and put them aside.
  2. 老薑去皮、拍扁,放入裝了11碗冷水的湯鍋中煮滾,加入汆燙後的雞骨架與雞腳。/ Peel and cut the mature ginger, and then smash it with the knife. Put the ginger pieces in a soup pot with 11 bowls of water, after boiling, put the blanched chicken bone and chicken feet in the soup pot. Simmer the soup for 1 hour.
  3. 以中小火煮1小時,起鍋前10~20分鐘,將蔬菜放入鍋內 (先清洗、視種類去皮,因蔬菜種類不同而有不同的烹調時間),起鍋前加入適量的鹽調味。/ Wash the vegetables, add them to the soup pot (after the 40~50 minute simmered soup), and add some salt to flavor the soup (optional).
  4. 熄火後撈出雞骨架、老薑,蔬菜不必撈出(跟湯一起食用),待冷卻放入冰箱冷藏。/ Remove the chicken bone and ginger, cool the soup and place it in the refrigerator.

—以上 食譜內容摘自 : 邱錦伶 << 瘦孕聖經>>




紫微斗數命宮是武曲、星座是天蠍,加起來就是一個能文能武、說走就走的小女子。本職工作是行銷 I am here to share my ideas and experiences. Keep learning!