陳媽媽私房菜 — 高麗菜豬肉水餃 / Homemade Pork and Cabbage Dumpling Recipe

11 min readAug 26, 2019

陳媽媽包的水餃總是廣受親朋好友的讚賞,指名率極高, 甚至有人說比外面一顆賣8元的水餃還好吃! 包水餃看似很簡單,把餡料調味醃一醃、包入外面買回來的水餃皮,不就好了嗎? 但是跟著陳媽媽做完一次,不知道這輩子還會不會再包水餃…..只能說”魔鬼藏在細節裡”,不是200字的食譜這麼簡單,美味的背後真的要花不少功夫和耐心。來看看陳媽媽私房水餃是怎麼做的吧!

In Chinese culture, the dumpling symbolizes wealth because the shape looks like an ingot, a kind of ancient Chinese money. Homemade dumplings are always the best! My mother is really good at making dumplings and gets compliment from relatives and friends. I had supposed that making dumplings was not difficult, just put the fillings into the skin. While my mother taught me how she did it, I was shocked! It has been said the devil is hidden in the details. Too much details and patient! Let’s take a look my mom’s recipe.

[材料 / Ingredients]

豬絞肉 (黑毛豬梅花肉) — 半斤 / 0.5 pound ground pork

蔥 — 1~2根 / 1~2 tablespoons minced scallions

老薑 — 1小塊 / 1 tablespoon minced ginger

高麗菜 — 中型1顆 / 1 medium cabbage

餃子皮 — 30–40個 / 30–40 dumpling skins

✦ 水餃內餡要多汁,油脂是關鍵! 選用黑豬梅花肉,肥瘦適中,口感較好,做餡料過程中就不需再加豬油。 / Have some pork fat is a key to be delicious! It is better to buy pork boston for the moderate fattiness. Otherwise, add some pork oil into the lean meat.

[調味料 / Seasonings]

鹽巴 (粗) — 適量 / some salt (quantum sufficit)

米酒 — 1/4量米杯 / 45 ml chinese cooking wine

醬油 — 1/4量米杯 / 45 ml soy sauce (Mentsuyu めんつゆ)

蠔油 — 少許 / a bit oyster sauce

香油 — 適量 / some sesame oil (quantum sufficit)

白胡椒 — 適量 / some pepper (quantum sufficit)

[步驟 / Directions]

1. 準備豬絞肉 。 / Prepare the ground pork.

2. 用鹽醃肉: 將粗鹽灑入豬絞肉,攪拌均勻,放置10分鐘,讓鹽入味。 / Salt the ground pork and put it aside for 10 mins.

3. 等待醃肉的時間: 洗高麗菜,先把菜梗切掉,再一片片撥下清洗。清洗完後就放置一旁。/ Wash the cabbage and cut the stems.

✦ 菜梗一定要切掉,否則內餡有梗,會讓餃子皮破掉。

✦ 陳媽媽在撥完後,還會一片片仔細檢查有沒有菜梗,真的很細心!

4. 用醬料醃肉: 洗完高麗菜,準備第二次醃肉。將米酒、醬油、蠔油加入豬絞肉,攪拌均勻,放置30分鐘,讓醃料入味。/ Marinate the ground pork in cooking wine, soy sauce and oyster sauce. Let it stand for 30 mins.

✦ 米酒和醬油(Mentsuyu めんつゆ)的份量皆為 1/4量米杯。量米杯是家裡必備量器,而台灣的糧米杯普遍是180ml,隨手即可拿來量測使用,非常方便!

✦ 蠔油少許即可,主要是取用蠔油的甜,就不需要用細砂糖。

✦ 為什麼醃肉要分兩次? 陳媽媽說這是她多年研究後的心得,餡料會更入味。以前陳媽媽也試看食譜一次將醃料加入,但發現分批醃真的比較好吃! 好吃背後還是需要耐心和工夫的!

5. 高麗菜揉鹽: 等待醃肉的時間來切薑末、蔥末,高麗菜切小塊。高麗菜切完後,灑入粗鹽,攪拌均勻,放置10分鐘,讓高麗菜出水。 / Mince ginger, scallion and cabbage. Sprinkle salt on cabbage to pull water out, and put it aside for 10 mins.​​

✦ 薑先切片再切成末,可去除豬肉腥味、讓餡料入味,但吃不到薑塊。

✦ 蔥末盡量切細。

✦ 高麗菜不用太細,因為揉鹽出水後會縮小,切成小塊狀即可。

✦ 高麗菜揉鹽後的等待出水時間,要依照菜葉的軟硬程度,出水速度會不同,大致等個10分鐘即可。

6. 高麗菜走水(脫水): 把出水後的高麗菜,裝入乾淨的洗衣袋,用力擰乾,把水分擠出來。/ Put the watery cabbage into a clean laundry bag, wring out an squeeze out the water.

✦ 因為需要用一些力氣擰乾,陳媽媽之前用過豆漿布裝菜擰乾,發現豆漿布會破掉。後來覺得洗衣袋比較好用。網路上也有人使用紗布,依個人喜好~

✦ 陳媽媽說餃子館的老闆是用脫水機脫乾高麗菜。陳媽媽力氣真是大如脫水機!

✦ 脫水後的高麗菜脆脆的~

7. 肉餡打水: 將 1/4量米杯的水,分兩次加入豬絞肉。第一次加水後,攪拌均勻,靜置10分鐘,讓水份被豬絞肉充分吸收。再加入剩下的水,攪拌均勻,再靜置10分鐘。 / Add 25 ml water to the ground pork and stir it. Repeat again and let it stand for 10 mins.

8. 加入菜料和醬料: 打水完後的豬絞肉,倒入薑末、蔥末、高麗菜,並加入少許香油、白胡椒粉,用手攪拌均勻,讓餡料有黏性。 / Add minced ginger, minced scallion, dried cabbage, sesame oil, pepper to the marinated ground pork. Stir it to be a bit stickiness. The fillings is done.

✦ 網路上看到有人會加入蛋白,讓餡料有黏性,但陳媽媽一次都做大量,加太多蛋白有點太營養; 若做少量,可以加蛋白。或是在最開始豬絞肉買回來時,先拍打讓絞肉打出筋性,會更黏喔

9. 肉餡冷凍: 餡料完成後裝盒,用保鮮膜蓋好,放入冷凍3–5小時。 / Put the fillings in a box and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave it in the freezer for 3–5 hours to let the fillings to be solid.

✦ 放入冷凍是為了讓餡料湯汁鎖住,在包入餃子皮時也較凝固、好包。否則餡料軟軟油油的,在包餃子皮時,餡料濕濕油油沾到皮表面,下水煮時容易讓皮破掉。

✦ 內餡冷凍3–5小時,依照各家冷凍庫強度而不同。只要冷凍到讓餡料有點凝固即可,不需要太硬。若有急速冷凍功能,大約冰兩小時。

✦ 如果不是當天包餡,可將餡料放入冷藏一晚,隔天再包餡。

✦ 餡料冷凍的過程,可以用手摸摸看有沒有凝固變硬

10. 包餡: 將冰凍後的餡料,挖一匙放在餃子皮中間,皮外側可以沾一點水,把餡料對摺包住,皮封口捏緊,兩側皮往內側摺入即可。 / Place the freezing fillings in the middle of skin, and dip some water around the edge. Fold and seal it.

✦ 若包餡的過程中,不小心讓皮破掉,可以挑出另外後,之後用蒸的或煎的方式料理,避免水煮讓皮更破。

✦ 搜尋Youtube可以找到不同包法。

11. 試煮試味道: 先包3–5顆,下水煮熟,吃吃看餡料有沒有味道。沒味道,餡料中再加入少許醬油、拌勻,冷凍一會兒,再繼續包餡; 若太鹹,再加入一些脫水的高麗菜,平衡鹹味,冷凍一會兒,再繼續包餡。 / Cook 3–5 dumplings and taste it. If it is a little bland, add some salt to the fillings. If it is too salt, add some cabbage to balance the taste.

✦ For the cooking: put dumplins in the pot of boiled water. Once the water boils, add an bowl of tap water in the pot and bring it to boil. While it boils again, add one more bowl of water in. Let the dumplings cook for one more minute when the water boil again, then the dumplings are cooked.

12. 包餡完的水餃,放入冷凍庫冷凍塑型,再分量裝袋冷凍。/ Place the wrapped dumplings in the freezer over the night, and then space them in small clean bags (each bag for 10 dumplings).

✦ 放冷凍庫之前,再檢查,把每一顆水餃皮封口捏緊。

✦ 夏天較悶熱,包好擺在一旁的餃子容易受熱而軟掉,可以包到一定數量時,分批放冷凍庫。

✦ 包不完的水餃皮可以當做麵條來煮; 剩下的餡料,可以加入蛋、麵粉,用攪拌均勻的麵糊做成煎餅。

[複習一下 / Recap]

鹽醃肉→洗高麗菜→醬料醃肉→切薑蔥高麗菜→高麗菜揉鹽&脫水→肉餡打水→內餡加入菜料&醬料→肉餡完成放冷凍→包餡→試煮試味道→冷凍塑型再分袋裝 。 / Make the fillings → Wrap the fillings → Cook some for check the taste → Freeze the dumplings → Done!




紫微斗數命宮是武曲、星座是天蠍,加起來就是一個能文能武、說走就走的小女子。本職工作是行銷 I am here to share my ideas and experiences. Keep learning!