What is M-commerce and How it Can Skyrocket Your Ecommerce Business in 2019 [Mindblowing Stats]

Dan Fedirko
Elligense | Tech in elearning and ecommerce
4 min readMar 29, 2019

The fact that the whole world is going mobile isn’t surprising. It’s today’s reality. Already two years ago, almost 30% of ecommerce sales worldwide have been done with mobile apps.

According to Statista, 72.9% of all e-commerce purchases is foreseen to be made through m-commerce(mobile commerce) in 2021.

Mobile e-commerce sales stats by Statista

What Is M-Commerce?

Basically, m-commerce is an ecommerce experienced through mobile phone or tablet. It can be a responsive website, but we will focus our attention on mobile apps and progressive web applications. The development of mobile commerce requires mobile-first thinking which means developing user experience and user interface design especially for mobile users, which is quite different than experience through the desktop.

Here Are The Main Benefits of Mobile Commerce for Business Owners

Better customer experience

With high performance, interactions and convenience in usage, customers receive great user experience unseen on the web. If the browsing and purchase process can be made quicker and in a more comfortable way, there is a bigger chance that the user will make a purchase. In combination with the latest UI and UX trends, it can hugely increase your revenue.

In-app notifications

In ecommerce, you notify users via email or with web push notification, but only if the customer allows you to. With m-commerce, the situation is different, you can send in-app notifications right away when the user has installed your application (like Instagram, Facebook and other apps does). In addition, with in-app notification, you can sen location-based notifications which is a huge benefit if you have a retail store. According to Accengage, in-App Messages have 21.9% average click-through rate.

Cost reduction and more revenue

Commonly, the costs of app development, maintenance and support are lower thank of an ecommerce website. For example, the medium app maintenance cost is around 20% of the initial development price. So, if an app cost you $40,000 you’ll spend just $8,000 annually for maintenance.

The latest report from Criteo shows that the conversion rate on the app is 3 times higher than on mobile websites and 1.5 times higher than on desktop websites. Moreover, those who use the mobile app for shopping browse 4.6 more items on websites. And finally, the average order value in apps is 140% higher than on mobile websites and 130% than on desktop websites.

Do the math in which period you’ll return your investments of mobile app development and start generating more revenue.

By the way, our company specializes in ecommerce development, you can contact us here to talk about m-commerce development in your niche and get cost estimation.

Advanced Features

Mobile applications allow creating more advanced features for your users that can’t be implemented on websites due to performance limits like QR codes scanning, an advanced loyalty program with rich user profiles and detailed analytics and advanced personalization.

Must-have features of ecommerce apps

If you are considering developing a mobile commerce app, you should be aware of basic features, the top shopping apps have:

  • Rich product filtering.
  • Synchronization with stock inventory and ‘in stock’, ‘out of stock’ notifications.
  • Secure payments with a variety of options including mobile wallets like ApplePay and GooglePay.
  • A personal account with purchase history and order tracking.
  • Personalization which includes personalized product suggestions based on customer preferences and behavior.
  • Social media integration for easier login and products social sharing.
  • Analytics on conversion rates, cart abandonment rates, returning visitors, churn rate, average order value, customer behavior and buying patterns, etc.
  • Marketing campaigns integration.

In addition to that, a pleasant user interface and smooth experience will give your app a competitive boost.

Latest trends in ecommerce include some advanced features like:

  • In-app chat and support
  • Voice search
  • AR functionality
  • Chatbots and artificial assistant
  • One-click payments
  • Predictive search and AI-powered product suggestions.

Start Implementing Mobile Commerce Today

The development of an application for your ecommerce store is rather a business need than an option. According to the abovementioned statistics, m-commerce has a solid return on investments and can generate more revenue for your business.

But it’s possible only with a strong application that has great user experience and design. Bytheway, we can help you build one, according to the latest trends, just write to us to get a free consultation on how your business can go mobile.

