Ellington Safaris
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2019



Galloping across the Vast Serengeti

The name SERENGETI is derived from the word Serenget”, which when translated from the Maasai language, refers to “Endless Plains”, and true to the description, these plains span an astounding 12,000 square miles in approximation. This region hosts one of the largest migrations on the planet, rendered to as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Therefore, I can’t help but wonder: What are some of the wondrous aspects of the Serengeti? When is it best to visit? What is the great migration? And what fun activities await us in this park? Let’s dive right into it. Let’s go to one of Tanzania’s many tourist destinations.


The Great Migration

In my opinion, the Great Migration is the most spectacular safari event, during which, around 1.5 million wildebeests, around 250,000 zebras, 500,000 gazelles, and tens of thousands of elands, topis and Coke’s Hartebeests, gallop over 500 km on a trip from the Southern part of Serengeti to its northern edge in the Maasai Mara of Kenya, and then back. This is in search of greener pastures, as is the norm today. This happens between July and October of every year. During this trip, the lions and crocodiles feast on the unwary and weary migrators. Let’s focus on the dominant traveler, the amazing Wildebeest.

Another rest before the GREAT WILDEBEESTS CHARGE

The Wildebeest is one of the largest antelopes, weighing around 600 pounds and with an impressive stature of about 4.5 ft. and an amazing 8 ft. in length. The males look darker than the females, and both males and females have curved horns. They are greatly preyed on by lions and crocodiles as they migrate, but their numbers are stabilized by their high reproducing rates. For example, early January and February, they birth some 500,000 calves, which are able to run within a few days, thus joining the migratory herds as newly born Marathoners. Imagine being born, only to join a great marathon spanning hundreds of miles. In a bid to impress females during mating seasons, the male wildebeests fight each other in order to steal as many females as they can from each other. This is one of the antics they pull off in order to woo the females, with a burning desire to sire calves. Therefore, they have thus been dubbed ‘The Clowns of the Savannah’, which sire their Newborn Marathoners. These can go on to live for 20 years in the wild. With a head resembling a buffalo’s, a tail resembling a horse’s and a body like that of an antelope, the wildebeest is listed as one of the Ugly Five, alongside the Marabou Stock, Warthog, Hyena, and the Vulture. Migrating in vast numbers, these beasts move single-mindedly by intuition, protecting each other from predators. They do not travel alone, but are accompanied by tens to hundreds of thousands of zebras and elands, among others.

Like marathoners clad in striped jerseys, the Zebras join the great Migration in hundreds of thousands

Falling En Route

Unfortunately, for many of these migrators, this great journey is their last. Approximately 250,000 wildebeests and 30,000 zebras die en route, either in stampedes, or as prey to the carnivores along the way, such as the lions, leopards, cheetahs, and the predators lurking in the Mara River, a fast-moving crocodile-infested river. Others die due to exhaustion, thirst or hunger, or even a combination of all. As for the rest, the long and arduous journey across the vast plains of the Serengeti must continue. It is indeed, survival for the fittest, as thousands of these wildebeests migrate for food, only to serve as food to opportunistic predators. To predators, they are Food-seeking Food!

Besides the wildebeests, there are other beasts, and birds to see. This park has a wide variety of wildlife and a high biodiversity. With about 500 bird-species, such as the Secretary bird, Martial Eagles, Crowned Cranes, Helmeted Guinea fowls, and the Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Rhinoceros, the African Buffalo, Impalas, duikers, Roan Antelopes, and many others, Serengeti National Park is a place to come and see. Come and experience the thrills and chills run up your spines as you watch this marvelous migration, as millions of animals speed like steeds across the vast Serengeti.


With all that there is to take in within the legendary Serengeti, here are a few of the things to carry in order to optimally savor every moment:

Binoculars, which come in handy when observing animals at a safe distance, considering that they are wary of humans and many of them shy away from us.

Cameras, which you will use to capture captivating and picturesque moments, the pictures of which will be worth more than a thousand words. It is recommended to carry at least 16 GB of SD memory, which will allow you the luxury of taking thousands of pictures, and short videos, so as to select the very best for wall portraits and articles. Cameras with decent digital and optimal zoom, and a high resolution are recommended. However, be sure to turn off the flashlights of your cameras so as not to vex these self-conscious animals.

Snacks and a lot of drinking water, so as prevent hunger and dehydration when out in the field, away from the delicacies of the lodges.

Sun glasses and sunscreen lotion, considering that Serengeti gets really hot and bright during the day.

Insect-repellants to deter the many insects in the wild.

Light clothes for the hot days, and thick clothes for the cold days and night.


It is advised to avoid clothing that can be misconstrued as camouflage, especially brown and green-colored styles that are peculiar to army wear. This is because many host countries, such as Tanzania, have regimented restrictions on army wear, which is strictly restricted to the army.


From December to March, the Southern plains of Serengeti are easily accessible, the highlight of this period being the birth of the calves in January and February.

The Western Serengeti or Western Corridor of the Serengeti is good for a visit all year round, with the migrators reaching the Grumeti River around May or June where you can see Crocodiles and hippos, whose jaws have great power.

The Central region of the Serengeti and the Seronera area is also good all year round, and being the most crowded section of the park, it has the most lodging options from which you can choose according to your budgets and tastes in luxury.

The Northern region is least visited, but still has many luxurious lodging options.

The agile Impalas. The females are hornless.

Well, with all the splendors therein, Serengeti National Park is certainly one place to visit in THIS SHORT LIFE!



Ellington Safaris
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I am Bint, a Poet by Frustration. I love incorporating poetry in just about everything I write. In advance, I appreciate your razor-sharp critique. Gratitude.