A secret weapon, money lessons and a post from the distant past

Stories I’ve loved on Medium this week — 29.10.16

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readOct 29, 2016


I read a lot. So, each Saturday, I share the Stories I’ve loved from around Medium over the last seven days.


I think a good part of what informs my voice, and guides my decisions both as a writer and an entrepreneur is gained from reading a wide range of different things, all the time. It challenges my ideas and it makes me re-evaluate them constantly.

People are not sitting and waiting for you to email them a list of questions. Don’t expect that people will drop everything and answer your email or have coffee with you. They have lives of themselves.

You’re allowed to be wealthy. You’re allowed to like money. You’re allowed to want more money.

According to Peter Bregman, CEO and leadership expert, in Harvard Business Review, “You need to spend time on the future even when there are more important things to do in the present and even when there is no immediate apparent return to your efforts.”

I wondered whether he spoke about her all the time or not at all. Could it be possible that the first person he opened up to — that the first person he could open to — would be a woman who looked just like her?

I would have given everything for ten more minutes.

