Carbs are evil

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2016

Life is pretty jam-packed at the moment.

It’s fun, but it means I have no time for the gym and very little time for exercise in general.

Which means I’ve had to have a lil’ think about what I’m eating. I’ve had to change my diet.

The thought-process started a couple weeks ago when I attended Thinking Digital at HOME in Manchester. One of the “talks” there (it was a Q&A over Skype) was by Dave Asprey, founder of the Bulletproof diet and creator of Bulletproof coffee.

While Herb Kim was asking the questions, Asprey told his story of how he used to be over 100 pounds heavier, but found a diet that reduced his weight and improved his mental performance.

Now, I’ve never been in any massive need to reduce my weight, but I’m always looking for ways to improve my cognitive performance.

So I did a bit of research. Asprey’s Bulletproof diet – if followed correctly – is essentially a strict ketogenic diet; high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carb.

Ew, I hear you say, high fat? Are you trying to put on weight and get heart disease?

Well, no. Obviously.

See, fats get a bad rap among our worldwide population. Eat the right ones, and they’ll help your body burn fuel more efficiently.

So, as I like to do with a lot of things, I burrowed head-first in to a ketogenic diet.

No more cereal for breakfast. That’s now been replaced by full fat greek yoghurt or a simple coffee (if I just go for a coffee, I’ll fast until about 1pm – you can read a bit more on intermittent fasting here).

No more sandwiches or Subway or pasta for lunch. Those have all made way for salads, zucchini dishes or soup.

No more pizza, garlic bread (this was especially tough), pasta or pies for dinner. Those have been replaced with salmon, steak, chicken and veggie dishes.

It hasn’t been been easy, and I’m still in the “change over” period, but I feel sharper and more energetic than ever.

Now to just find the time to squeeze a bit of exercise in, or else no type of diet is going to keep the weight off.

Catch you all tomorrow.

