Chapter 1 — The Commitment

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2016

I’m going to write a blog post each and every day.

This isn’t anything new. In a world filled with a ridiculous amount of content, people do this all of the time. But I like Medium, and I’ve started reading stories on here more and more frequently. Plus I want to find out, for myself, if I’m up to the task.

I briefly considered a daily video series, but I write on a keyboard much better than I speak to a camera. So, this is Chapter 1 of my story in the Big Book of Medium, and I’ll keep writing chapters until I want to stop, or run out of ideas, or get bored. But it’ll be for at least a year, that’s for sure.

It’s going to be tough, but this is my commitment chapter. I want you all to know that I’m making a promise to write something, anything, each and every day.

On 16th May 2017, I want to be able to look back on 365 unique chapters filled with 365 unique insights in to what I’ve been thinking or doing for a whole year.

See y’all tomorrow.

If I ever forget a daily blog post, shout at me on Twitter @EllMorrow. If I continue to remember, be sure to follow me so you never miss one of these delightful little chapters.

