Chapter 10 — SpacePortX.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2016

A year ago, I was sat in an office in Manchester. I was happy, and I wanted to keep sitting in that office in Manchester in the future.

As a few of you reading will know, I didn’t keep sitting in that office. But a year later, I’m sat in an office again. This time in much, much different circumstances.

In all honesty though, I wouldn’t even class it as an office. It’s just a space filled with desks and computers and awesome people.

This is an old picture, it’s busier now. You get the picture though.

If you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur, you’ll probably have an idea of the growing hype that is surrounding co-working spaces right now. They’re cheap (usually), they’re chilled and they’re filled with like-minded people.

SpacePortX is one of those co-working spaces, and it’s hella good. I’ve been wanting to rave about SpacePort since I started these Chapters last week but there isn’t all that much I can really ramble on about. It’s a brilliant space and I like it. And it also has a cracking name. That’s all I have to say.

But if you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur or just want somewhere to work a couple times a week, check out their site and get in touch.

Oh, and the views from the roof are fantastic.

It’s even better on a proper sunny day.


Fyi, I didn’t get paid to write this, just in case anyone was suspicious. But I’ll be promoting the things I really like in future Chapters, so prepare yourselves.

