Chapter 18 — A bit of the old in and out.

Let’s talk (briefly) about the EU Referendum.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readJun 2, 2016


Shoutout to Gibb for sending me this image.

Ah, the EU Referendum. The debate where neither side has really convinced anyone other than themselves which way to vote.

Every time I’m asked which way I’m leaning, I change my mind. Every time I ask others which way they’re leaning, they don’t have a clue.

And I can’t find any impartial advice on whether to vote for a Brexit or keep the UK in the EU. The Leave campaign wants us to leave, and the Remain campaign wants us to stay. Everything is biased.

To make matters worse, I watched a video today of Alan Sugar encouraging us all to remain in the EU. Check it out below.

Convincing, right? Alan is a smart guy. He knows his stuff when it comes to business and he’s a true Brit. If he says we should stay in the EU, why wouldn’t I trust his word? I’ll tell you why.

Just over three years ago, he claimed the UK had turned in to a “nation of weasels” and blamed the EU for our newfound “claims culture”. Here’s his full quote on the matter:

Dammit, Alan. This referendum is going to be the cause of population-wide trust issues for the next decade.

A Solution

But I have a solution!

There are exactly three weeks until we all get to vote in the EU referendum. Which means I have at least two weeks to sift through the masses of positives and negatives presented by both the Stay and Remain campaigns.

Once I’ve done that, I’ll present my finding to you all in a Chapter called The Completely Impartial Guide to the EU Referendum.

It’ll be fun to read of course — I couldn’t live with myself if my writing put any of you to sleep — but I guarantee you’ll get a lot from it.

Watch this space.

Thanks for reading!

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