Chapter 25 — How do I define success?

Plus, how 24 other freelancers answer the same question.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
3 min readJun 9, 2016


Credit: Forbes

I’ve been featured in an article that isn’t one of my own! That’s always exciting.

Back in April, I had the chance to be featured in an article by the same guy, but my dissertation hand-in loomed around that time so, understandably, I never grasped the opportunity. But now I have more free time, and when Col (the guy) tweeted last week that he was looking for people to contribute to his new blog post, I made sure not to miss out.

I was on it like a slightly delayed flash, sending him an email two days later that contained a thought-out answer to the question: what does success look like to me?

I was pretty pleased with my answer, and you can check it out by clicking this link box below. It’s a cracking read, and well worth 5 minutes of your time.

If you really, really, really don’t want to click the link, here’s the answer I gave:

“Success is all about your personal achievements and how they rank alongside the expectations you set yourself. I’ve never been money-driven (otherwise I’d dodge freelancing and get a full-time job) and I never expect to be. I’m effort-driven. I find success in working hard and helping other people find success.
My continuous goal is to add value to the lives of the people I work with by doing my job the best I can. No matter what personal situation I’m in, whether living in an expensive house or sleeping on my friends couch, as long as I’m working hard and doing what I love to do, I’ll always feel successful.”

Cracking contribution, right? Cya tomorrow.

Everything else…

Quick footnote birthday shoutout to one of my closest pals Ross, who turns 2̶9̶ 23 today. I’ve already given him a happy birthday over text and on Facebook, so the fact he’s getting a third should show you all how much I like the guy.

We’ve shared many a Liverpool moment together this past year, so it’s a special kind of bond. Here’s my favourite photo (well, screenshot of a video) of us both, after Lovren headed in a very late 4th as we beat Dortmund 4–3.

Never have we been so happy in each other’s company.

Thanks for taking the time to read my writings!

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