Chapter 29 — Never settle for what is.

Never stop.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
3 min readJun 13, 2016


I’m absolutely fascinated by the brain. Its neuroplasticity. Its relationship with itself. Its relationship with us.

Essentially, I’m mesmerised by myself.

Our brains are us, but we treat them as if they’re an organ completely seperate to how we think and feel and live. I’m not typing this, my brain is. But I still identify myself as me, not my brain.


I appreciate my brain though, because it keeps me motivated to do as much as I can every day. I’m still not doing as much as I want to — I’d like to have a job that fills up most of my time on top of these Chapters and any other creative work — but it’s doing alright. Good job brain.

I think I got lucky with my brain. It doesn’t conk out on me much, I’m relatively easy-going and I can’t complain all that much about my memory. If there’s anything I’d complain about, it’s that my pain-threshold kind of sucks.

That can be improved though. Because everything about your brain can be improved. Pick a part of you that you’d like to improve, and keep working until it hurts. Then when it starts to hurt, make it hurt more.

Apply that mantra to life, and you’ll find yourself giving up less and less, and improving more and more.

Never stop learning. Never stop improving. Never settle for what is.

Become a seeker.

Everything else…

I made the right choice not to head to Parklife. A company I’d applied to work for called me at 9:30am this morning for a mini phone interview. If I’d spent the day at a festival, I definitely would not have been able to cope with any form of phone call until at least 3pm.

Also, I’m due a meditation Chapter soon and I’m desperate to write one, so keep an eye out for that. I just need to dedicate a good few hours to creating it. Gotta make it exceptional.

Thanks for taking the time to read my writings!

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By the way, from now on, I’m going to put a random gif here every day. Just so people actually want to read ’til the end.

