Chapter 35 — I’m late, I’m late.

And time is not on my side today.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
4 min readJun 19, 2016


It’s 9:30pm and I’ve literally just sat down to write. It’s been a cracking day, but so, so busy.

This makes me slightly worried for the next five days in Amsterdam.

If I’m struggling to find the time to write a Chapter the day before I head off on holiday for a week, how am I going to cope when I’m actually on holiday?

I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve been informed that Amsterdam has loads of free Wi-Fi and I’ll have plenty of chance each day to get something written.

Maybe I just trust my friends too much, though. I guess we’ll all find out this time tomorrow.

Anyway, today was the annual Manchester Day here in, erm, Manchester.

Considering the city’s reputation for rain, today’s weather was quite considerate. The celebration started at 12pm, finished at 4pm, and the rain started to pour at about 4:01pm. Perfect timing.

The huge parade is always the highlight of each Manchester Day, and this year’s was seriously impressive. Massive congratulations to everyone who took part.

Jen and I were hooked watching this thing for a good 20-30 minutes, and there isn’t anything which makes you more happy to be in Manchester than hundreds of people banging drums, playing instruments and showing off their big, insanely creative and well-made floats.

If you’re wondering why everything was science themed, it’s because the whole day was science themed. And it’s all to celebrate Manchester being chosen as the European City of Science for 2016. We’re a great city.

That’s all the bragging about my city that I have time for today, folks. Short and not-so-sweet, but the suitcase still hasn’t been packed.

Tomorrow (and hopefully the rest of the week) will be photo-heavy, so you can all look forward to that. George, I’ll try my best to make a few thought-heavy too. I know how much you love the thoughtful, lengthy reads.


Everything Else…

The end of student life is starting to hit hard now. My housemate Sophie left on Saturday, and Julia (the best German I’ve ever met) has just said goodbye to us all before she jets off back to her home country tomorrow. Julia’s dog Nemo also licked us farewell. That was super sad.

I’ll see Sophie and Julia again (most likely next month around graduation time) but Nemo is gone forever. I’ll never see him again. :’(

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