Chapter 37 — The day I wished I had a Go Pro.

Biggest lost opportunity ever.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
3 min readJun 21, 2016


Today, we hired bikes and went cycling around Amsterdam.

I say around, but we had a destination.


Not my photo, unfortunately.

It took us over an hour to reach the place, which was fine because we got to see loads more of Dam as a city, but also terrifying because I hadn’t even rode a bike for at least seven years and now I was being asked to navigate around a bustling city. It was also fine because it was my idea to go, so I couldn’t complain much.

The stress and anxiety was worth it though, because Vondelpark is incredible. And it’s so frustrating that I only got one decent photo and couple videos. Riding on a bike while attempting to use your phone’s camera is not a smart combination for a novice cyclist like myself.

But do you know what would have been perfect? A Go Pro. I could’ve fixed it somewhere and recorded the whole day. And I would’ve had tons of amazing footage for the film of the trip.

Now, I only really have my memories and no amazing footage for the film of the trip.


Good news though, we got our obligatory squad selfie done and dusted early. It was a solid effort too. A fair 7.5/10, if I do say so myself.

(Left to right) Deano, Andy, Oli, George, Chris, Ella, ME, Smit and Jacob.

Now they can’t complain that I haven’t given each of them a “shoutout”.

That’s all for today. These Chapters are definitely going to be difficult to squeeze in each day for the rest of the week, so y’all might have to read some pretty terrible/short content until I return to the UK. I apologise in advance.

To finish off, here’s a photo looking down one of the canals near our hostel.

Without turning in to Ted Mosby, the architecture in Amsterdam is absolutely fascinating.

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Here’s your gif of the day:

