Chapter 39 — Walking and walking.

Lots of exercise to cure the hangover from hell.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
3 min readJun 23, 2016


This morning was not an enjoyable one in the life of Elliot Morrow. The afternoon wasn’t all that great either. Last night’s bar crawl left me pretty wounded until about 2pm. Seriously, worst hangover ever.

But I’m in Dam, so my mood was pretty positive throughout the torture.

My mood got even better when we decided to take a wander to the Rijksmuseum, because the streets of Amsterdam are amazing to walk down.

Dam cars.

We did hit up a sex museum early afternoon but I’ll try keep this Chapter as PG as possible. It was an interesting museum though, as you’d expect. I’ll add some footage in to the film of the trip.

Anyway, the Rijksmuseum was absolutely incredible. Well, the area around the spot was absolutely incredible, we didn’t actually go in to the museum.

I got tons of videos for the film though. Today’s section is set to be a doozy.

For now, enjoy some photos.

Oh, and we got hella touristy and got a group snap at the I Amsterdam sign.

Cracking photo, right?

That’s all for today, we’re off for another wander. Going to suck to leave this place tomorrow.

Sad end.

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Here’s your gif of the day:

