“Cheers to meet you”

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readDec 5, 2016


I enjoy meeting new people.

In fact, I enjoy meeting new people a lot. Meeting new people and talking to them ranks highest on my list of ways to learn all you can about the world.

And yes, it sits above work experience and education. Way above.

I keep doing this thing though, when I meet new people, and it’s frustrating me.

See, you know when you’ve met someone who’s pretty sound. And the conversation is coming to an end. And you shake hands or give each other the nod.

And you say:

Right. Well. Great to meet you, see you again soon I hope/let’s keep in touch/let’s grab a coffee sometime

A standard conversation ending everyone can relate to, right?

Except, I keep saying:

Right. Cheers to meet you, thanks – ah, erm, great to meet you. See you again soon.

And then I dart away, tutting and shaking my head in frustration. It’s wrong, it’s totally wrong. And it’s weird.

No one else I know does this. I’d like to stop doing it. Yet I know full I’m doing it and I still can’t stop myself from blurting out “Cheers to meet you” before it’s too late and I attempt to never speak to said new person ever again.


