Half a year of daily blogging


Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2016



Six months* of writing a blog post every single day. Chapter 185 in the year-long book of Elliot’s Post-University Adventure.

It’s been tough.

Six months ago I started writing daily to fill the abundance of free time I had after finishing my degree. Six months on that abundance has disappeared almost completely, but I’m still writing. This is a 365/366 day commitment. No lack of free time is going to stop that.

In all honesty though, this isn’t a celebratory post. Half a year is great, but that’s only 50% of the way to the end-goal.

This is more of a stop-and-take-check post. Writing and full-time-jobbing means that, sometimes, it helps to slow down for a day and write without much direction; gives the mind a chance to put its metaphorical feet up.

And you know what? I haven’t pulled out the trusty gif-break in a while. So, here goes.

I hope that for those reading my Chapters, this daily journey is inspiring you to do something, anything, that helps you achieve your goals or improve your talents.

I have no idea where this road is taking me — honestly, not a clue — but if I wasn’t writing every day I’d never find out. I can’t imagine getting home from work, making food and doing nothing but watch YouTube or Netflix until I hit the hay and repeat the whole process again. That sounds like my (personal) version of hell.

So I’m making sure I don’t get stuck in my personal version of hell. I’m putting the effort in to carve a path and see where it leads.

I’ve never been more excited, so stick with me.

Catch you all tomorrow.

*Technically it’s six months and one day, but the dates align (16th May — 16th Nov) so we’re going with this.

Thanks for reading Chapter 185!

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