Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2016

I’ve only gone and done it. I’ve only gone and got myself a job here in Manchester.

He actually did it, the absolute madman.

Nearly two weeks after I went for an interview/chat, I got a call today offering me the role of Communications and Content Intern at NCC Group.

The conversation was a bit of a blur to be honest. As soon as Kirsty (who interviewed me and I’ll be working under) offered me the job, I was already planning who to call and message, what to prepare before I start on the 1st August and what to do with the time I have before the 1st August.

I have just over two weeks until my work-any-and-all-hours freelancing lifestyle comes to an end. I’ll be in 9am-5:30pm, five days a week.

And I honestly can’t wait.

I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing in a company which is growing rapidly, based in the centre of the city I adore. All that’s left for me to do is get in there next month and work my ass off.

Do you know what makes this all even sweeter? I did what I said I was going to do. I put the work in, found a job (with some help) and now I’m staying in Manchester long-term.

I laid the groundwork months ago and set myself a goal. Today, I accomplished that goal.

On to the next one.

Roll on the 1st of August.

Everything Else…

Right, two things to add to the EE section today (not sponsored by the mobile network).

I have the best family ever, because without it I would not have been given the opportunity to interview for this job. Max, thanks for being the greatest godmother on Earth by reading my Chapters and helping me find the job I desperately wanted. And Katy, thank you so much for getting me the chat with Kirsty and helping me prepare. I owe you both a meal and drinks (once I get paid).

Mum, Dad, thanks for pushing me in the right direction.

But wait, there’s more!

On top of the massive news regarding my job, you might have also noticed that I’ve missed a certain something from the beginning of my post titles today.

See, I don’t like the idea of dropping things ‘quietly’ as the media likes to say, so I’m shoehorning this explanation in best I can at the bottom of Chapter 60.

I’ve never enjoyed putting ‘Chapter #’ at the start of my titles, it just never sat right with me. It was unnecessary characters and whenever I shared the post across social media it’d always look messy. I don’t like messy.

Phrase — Phrase — Phrase. It doesn’t look right.

So today, on my 60th day of daily blogging, I stop telling you all how many Chapters I’ve written and just get on with writing good content. I don’t want this task to be defined by a number, I want it to be defined by the fact I created (at least) a year’s worth of read-worthy posts.

Thanks for reading Chapter 60! (I’ll try remember to put the number here so y’all can at least know where I’m up to)

If you’re enjoying my stuff, follow the instructions in the gif below and I’ll crack a smile when I get the notification.

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Here’s your gif of the day:

