I know, so show me

Put your dreams where your mouth is.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2016


I know you want to be at the top, so show me you’re willing to work hard enough to get there.

I know you want to be a wealthy, so show me that you’re intelligent enough to spend money to make money .

I know you want to be healthy, so show me that you’re committed to regular exercise and clean eating.

I know you want to be better at writing, so show me you can commit to writing daily.

Don’t overload yourself. Don’t try to prove too much at once. But show me that you’re willing to do the work necessary to get to where you want to be.

Once you set time aside to show others what you’re capable of — rather than simply tell them where you want to be — you stop thinking and start doing.

And that’s the trick.

Stop thinking and start doing.

Ideas are nothing, execution is everything.

You know this, so show me.

Thanks for reading Chapter 191!

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