It’s like a rollercoaster

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readDec 17, 2016


Up, up, up.

You’re living life. Focused on the present. No regard for the past. No thoughts for the future.

But there’s a niggle. It’s right there, in the back of your head. Always present, always kicking, sometimes contained.

And when it’s not contained — when it escapes — the rollercoaster, the track, the carriage, life, it dips. The rapid decline begins. Your brain becomes your worst enemy as you hurtle downwards.

Remember that time when…

You’re probably getting fired soon…

I wonder how your friends really feel about you…

Questions and flashbacks and anxieties and more questioning and more flashbacks and more anxieties. They flood forward. The niggle is no longer a niggle. It’s a virus.

There’s a cure for that virus. But it takes some searching. To be found, the cure requires deep knowledge of oneself. It requires self-awareness.

What makes you tick? What makes your brain buzz? What makes your heart fly?

What contains the niggle?

It’s like a rollercoaster, but it doesn’t have to be.

Thanks for reading Chapter 215

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