I’m scared to talk about fear

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2016

I’ve been asked to do a talk about conquering fear.

It wouldn’t be a massive talk — four or five minutes in front of maybe 30 to 50 people — but it’d certainly be quite a big deal for me. I’m considering it. I haven’t said yes or no either way yet.

Ironically though, the reason I’m yet to say yes is because of one thing: fear. Fear of getting up on stage, fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of not being good enough. It’s that annoying niggle I’ve written a lot about recently.

It’s natural, I know. But I wish I didn’t feel it.

Fear is the handbrake which halts all forward momentum. The longer the feeling of fear exists inside of me (or you, or anyone) the more tempting it becomes to grab hold of that handbrake, pull it and come to a stop.

And what a waste it would be if I were to give in to fear and say no to the chance of talking about something which affects us all. I don’t say no to opportunities like this often. Do I really want to start now?

If I’m 100% honest, I’m not sure.

I wasn’t sure when I got the email asking if I wanted to speak, and I’m not sure now.

A chance to make another foray in to the wilderness outside my comfort zone.

I’d really like to do it, but I’m scared.

I’m scared, but I’d really like to do it.

This decision is going to take some time.

