Modern Street Talk is open for business

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2016

I don’t have a lot of secrets. There aren’t many (if any) skeletons in my closet.

I think that’s why I enjoy daily writing so much. I can be open, honest and transparent with you all for no other reason than the fact I have nothing to hide. I also think that’s why I’m so obsessed with stories.

The story.

It’s always about the story.

I tell stories every day.

I tell them right here on Medium. I tell them in work at NCC Group. And sometimes, but not as often as I’d like, I tell them through my own personal videos, or in videos for other people, or businesses.

This Summer, after over a year away, I got back in to making videos. Only short ones, but I’d returned to the saddle.

I went to Amsterdam and made a film of the whole trip.

I traveled back to Barrow for my sister’s prom and filmed that.

And then in July I graduated. I made a video of that day too.

For every single shot in those videos (as well as the ones which didn’t make the cut) I used my iPhone 6S.

Impressive, right?

Right. And so I was happy to keep on making films on my phone. I longed for a DSLR, but my iPhone was coping as well as I needed it to.

Except the problem is that iPhones aren’t supposed to be used for tons and tons of recording.

After filming three videos – and a few which didn’t make the grade – my battery took a bit of a nosedive. I just couldn’t rely on it to film for several hours anymore, and I didn’t fancy carrying around battery packs to charge the thing.

So I stopped. No more videos.

And, while I’ve made some videos in work, I’ve had nothing that is personally my own since July.

Today, I’m hoping that’ll change.

Today, I no longer have to let a poor phone battery hold me back.

Today, my Canon 70D arrived (along with 24–105mm & 50mm lenses).

Ain’t it an absolute beauty? I’m gonna have some fun with this thing.

Video stories are back on the menu.

Modern Street Talk is officially open for business.

But more on what that means exactly another day.

