My ever-growing list of films that are totally worth your time

Updated: 23.10.16

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
5 min readSep 8, 2016


For a guy who studied Film and Media at university, it’s quite ridiculous how many of the best films of all time I’ve haven’t actually seen.

The Shawshank Redemption: nope.

The Godfather: nah.

Schindler’s List: nein.

12 Angry Men: nada.

In fact, out of the top ten IMDb films, I’ve seen four.


But that doesn’t mean I don’t watch great films. I watch a ton of great films, they’re just not always the highest rated or the greatest of all time.

Which I think is fine. I’d argue that watching a film simply because you knowing it’s highly rated takes away some of the fun. Your mind is made up from the start that it’s a fantastic film. Why not go watch something you don’t have any prior knowledge about?

That’s how you find your favourite films.

Anywho, there’s a point to all of this, and it’s that I want to present you all the list of my favourite films. I’m laying it all on the line here and even putting in the films which may get me a couple dodgy looks.

I won’t put these in any specific order — before you shout and scream about why Frozen is way above Pulp Fiction — but those films I enjoy the most will naturally be at the top. Also, I’ll squeeze in some snippets about why I like each film, just as an explanation/justification.

This isn’t going to feel finished for quite some time though; it’s an ongoing project.

Let’s get right in to it.

Monty Python and The Holy Grail

Look you stupid bastard, you’ve got no arms left!

Yes I have.


It’s just a flesh wound.

You could probably tell from this Chapter’s header image that The Holy Grail was going to be somewhere close to the top of my list. And if you guessed number one, then congratulations!

You win nothing but the honour of feeling smug, but congratulations nonetheless.

Monty Python and The Holy Grail is my all-time favourite film. It’s absurd and hilarious and to be honest there isn’t a piece of cinema out there that captures my sense of humour so perfectly.

It’s is my go-to film in any situation. Regardless of if I’m feeling down in the dumps or on top of the world, The Holy Grail takes my happiness to a whole other level.

Back to the Future II

Oh, this is heavy, Doc. I mean, it’s like I was just here yesterday.

You were here yesterday, Marty.

Before you wonder: yes, Back to the Future II is purposefully above Back to the Future I.

I just think Part II is a better film. Only ever so slightly, but it’s better.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Part I of course, it’s incredible and as damn close to perfection as I’ve watched, but Part II is just that little bit more perfect.

Back to the Future I

Great Scott!

Of course, Part I follows straight in after Part II. I’m not that deluded, give me a break.

Obviously, I wasn’t alive when Back to the Future was actually released, but it’s far and away my top film series of all time. No question.

Part I is incredible, Part II is stunning, Part III is fantastic.

As good a trilogy as you’ll ever see.

Although, I haven’t watched The Godfather trilogy yet, so maybe my views will change eventually. I doubt it though.

Part III won’t feature next, as you might have noticed. I don’t hate the end of the trilogy, and still I really enjoy watching it, but it just doesn’t make the grade.

The Lego Movie

I don’t think he’s ever had an original thought… in his life.

[chuckles] That’s not true. For instance, one time I wanted a bunch of my friends over to watch TV, not unlike this TV that just showed up magically. And not everybody can fit on my one couch, and I thought to myself, well, what if there’s such a thing as a bunkbed but as a couch? Introducing the double decker couch! So everyone could watch TV together and be buddies!

That’s literally the dumbest thing I ever heard.

I spent 18 months trying to get Jen to watch The Lego Movie with me. She was resistant and resilient the whole time, and to be honest I couldn’t really blame her. No one understands when I tell them that a film centred around Lego is in my top five.

But it’s true. This is a fantastic film and one that I proudly tell everyone about. It’s way, way more meaningful than it has any right to be, and by the time Lego from the Land of Duplo arrive, you’ll be blown away with how deep the writing manages to get.


Not quite my tempo.

For a film about goddamn jazz, Whiplash is stunningly tense.

Miles Teller was impressive as Andrew Neiman, but it’s J. K. Simmon’s Terence Fletcher who leaves an indelible mark on the viewing experience.

If you’ve ever turned down a chance to watch Whiplash because you’re fully aware that it’s about goddamn jazz, then trust me when I say you’re making a huge mistake.

Incredible film, get it watched.

Saving Private Ryan

The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Hateful Eight

Mad Max: Fury Road


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

A Clockwork Orange

Wolf of Wall Street



The Simpson’s Movie

Hot Fuzz

Shaun of the Dead

The Incredibles

Reservoir Dogs


American Hustle

Monster’s Inc.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Toy Story

Forrest Gump

Pulp Fiction


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