My weekend was better than your weekend


Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readOct 30, 2016


Over 75% of my weekend was not spent relaxing. In fact, I’d go as far as saying less than 5% of my Saturday and Sunday has been spent having what you’d call conventional leisure time.

But damn did I have fun.

A couple weeks ago, I saw this post by Hector Kolonas right here on Medium asking for PlayByPlay volunteers:

So, naturally, I got in touch pretty quickly and after a quick Skype call, Hector invited me blog an event called HackManchester on his live-blogging platform

Now, 90% of events in Manchester are an absolute blast, especially if you’re heading along to them without needing to pay.

HackManchester was in that 90%.

Now, it’s late on a Sunday evening and I’m a bit burned out, so check out the whole live-blog of the event below.

Roll on the next event which wants the PlayByPlay treatment.

See you all tomorrow.

Thanks for reading Chapter 168! Tomorrow’s Chapter may also be relatively short because I’ll be tweaking and practising my talk on conquering fear.

Be sure to drop me a follow on Twitter & Instagram if you’re feeling kind enough

