One little thing, if you’d be so kind

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog


Today marks Chapter 181 in my 365 days of blogging, and I haven’t asked you all for one favour in all of that time.

I’ve been jab, jab, jabbing, putting out (slightly above average) content for nearly six months, and I’ve demanded nothing in return.

Today though, today I ask for a lil’ favour. Nothing big, nothing too demanding and nothing I wouldn’t be asking for if it didn’t mean a lot to me.

You see, back in 2008, my little cousin Jake Ellis, after fighting a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma for a big part of his life, passed away at the age of just five.

It was horridly unfair, and both the Morrow and Ellis families felt the pain of losing one of their own for a long time after.

But for all of the sadness surrounding Jake’s passing, his parents Jo-Ann and Nick have worked tirelessly since to raise money for the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group in memory of him.

Their effort has been staggering, and my respect for them is off the charts. In over eight years of fundraising, they’ve collected more than £100,000 for CCLG.

That’s insane.

Tonight, Jen and I are back in Barrow attending the annual Jake Ellis Charity Ball at Abbey House. Tonight, we add to that £122,867.23.

But for the many of you who aren’t attending — and it’s a lot of you, most of the planet in fact — you can still help out.

Visit Jake’s fundraising page and donate. It doesn’t have to be a massive amount — £1 would make me just as happy as £100 — but, if you can afford it, please give something.

Catch you all tomorrow.

Thanks for reading Chapter 181

