Piecing together my Evil Plan

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readNov 28, 2016


I get it, Evil Plan sounds a bit lame. But it means well.

I’ve been working on said Evil Plan this evening. Just piecing things together, jotting down my goals, sorting out what I need to do and where I need to be. All of the short, medium and long term stuff.

Wait, what’s an Evil Plan?

An Evil Plan is everything you want to do in life (at the moment).

You should always have an Evil Plan. Everyone should know what they want their future to be. And, if they don’t, they should spend some time planning it.

Sit down, write out your goals and when you want to achieve them, and then get to work.

Always have an evil plan. One you only reveal to your closest, most trusted confidants.

The catch? I can’t write many words about it.

You find out when I want you to find out.

Thanks for reading Chapter 197!

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