
Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog


When you have an end goal, and if you’re serious about it, you must make sacrifices.

Regardless of what others may say or think, you must make sacrifices. This is your goal. Become it.

And do not let social pressure deter you from it.

As soon as you sacrifice for a wider reason, you’re the societal exception, the black sheep. Others will struggle to understand your reasoning. At best they’ll be confused. At worst they’ll be offended, angry.

You might lose friends. That’s okay. By then they’ve shown where they stand, and it’s not by your side.

Dismiss those who say “No, you can’t.” They’ll only hold you back from success.

Embrace those who say “Yes, you can.” They’ll drag you across the line when self-doubt creeps in.

Make sacrifices. Live without expectation. Embrace positivity.


Thanks for reading Chapter 215

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