Stories I’ve loved on Medium this week


Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
5 min readSep 11, 2016


Y’all know that I don’t just create content, I consume it to. Videos, blog posts, social media posts, even (sometimes) newspaper articles.

I love sharing content almost as much as I love creating it. I search high and low for the best media on the web, and if it really resonates with me, I post it out on my social media channels.

Or, I produce new content which contains the content I enjoy. A curated content collection, if you will.

I already do this with videos every Saturday, but for the past five weeks I’ve been putting my favourite written content from Medium in to the Sunday Summary.

That’s stupid, so I’ve changed it up.

And so without further ado, here are the stories I’ve loved on Medium this week.

I invite you to start, with me, a vocal army of the 25 percenters who can normalize miscarriage in the social sphere. You are not broken. You did nothing wrong. You are strong, you are brave, and there is hope.

I can’t even relate to this piece of writing — biologically and situationally — but it’s so damn powerful that I can’t help but share it all over the place.

If you’ve ever watched How I Met Your Mother, you’ll know ashley williams as Victoria, one of Ted’s many (many) girlfriends.

But that’s not important, because Ashley had a miscarriage, and she decided to talk about it.

I highly recommend you read about it.

It is no secret that Wakelet is a blogger’s friend. I’ve been preaching about Wakelet basically since day one and that’s because it is a massively effectiveplatform where bloggers can organise & curate great links and their blogs into collections.

Hey, I haven’t spoken much about Wakelet in a while have I?

Luckily, Naomi Timperley has done a cracking job of creating a bloggers guide to Wakelet so that people like me can make proper use of the platform.

Even if you’re not a blogger, Naomi’s post gives some decent insights in to Wakelet and how you can make the most of it.

Great platform, check it out here.

The number one value for any publisher of any kind should be respect for the reader. That means not misleading them or taking advantage of them. Any company acting as a publisher can achieve that and produce excellent journalism without turning it into a blatant sales channel.

Being a guy who strongly believes brands need to do more with content, this post from Martin Bryant stood out to me as soon as it appeared on my feed. And it’s a great read.

The thought Martin puts forward applies to most (if not all) companies these days. Companies need to pump out quality content, or else they risk losing relevance and fading from the minds of consumers. One way to pump out quality content? Hire journalists, or people who can do a damn good job of creating content.

Add Gary Vaynerchuk’s belief that, now, every company is a media company, and you begin to see a pattern emerging.

Content is king, and every company on the planet should be embracing that fact.

Yesterday, I picked up Rory and before she saw me, I noticed she was playing with a little boy. They were putting little characters in a small wooden boat. They were totally lost in each other’s presence.

I love Jonas Ellison’s writing style. He’s down to earth, relatable and thoughtful.

Plus, he’s done some quality stuff this week, so he’s getting two endorsements here.

It’s always better with friends is advice I’d give to a shit load of people in my life right now — 12 months ago, I would’ve given it to myself, too.

Never underestimate the power of friendship. If a friendship is properly maintained, and given the care it needs to flourish, there is nothing better on this earth.

So give every person you want to keep in your life all you’ve got. And if you start to realise they’re not interested, then just walk away. There are a ridiculous amount more people out there who will adore your love.

Establishing expertise seems like the best business decision around. But I believe, at this point in time, the real business is the business of being human.

Another Jonas Ellison post, and another reason to bring up Gary Vaynerchuk.

Gary has been banging on recently about how people should start documenting the process they’re going through rather than simply creating content which focuses on thoughts and opinions.

Jason agrees — in part — but believes it simply boils down to one key message: always be human.

I agree.

Thanks for reading Chapter 119!

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