Sunday Summary #5


Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
6 min readSep 4, 2016


Welcome to the fifth edition of the Sunday Summary.

The Sunday Summary is a weekly post that recaps my previous seven days of Chapter-ing. This way, you can get a quick snapshot of my week, and delve in to any posts you might’ve missed.

There’s also a bonus section at the foot of the Chapter dedicated to sharing the posts I’ve read and loved on Medium this week.

This week has been a bit of a slow one in terms of content. It started off big with my longest Chapter to date, but then I found myself having less and less time as the days ticked over, so the ideas weren’t really there.

That was exampled most with Friday’s Chapter. I got up at 6:30am, went to work for 9am, hustled through a load of writing and editing until 5pm, went for a few drinks afterwards to socialise with people (it’s a new job, after all), but then couldn’t handle my gin so wrote a quick Chapter in a drunken stupor and was asleep by 10:45pm.

I’d like for that not to happen again, so lessons were learned.

Either way, I still think there’s some really useful stuff worth reading from this week. I particularly like Thursday’s Chapter, mainly because it contains something that a lot of people need teaching, and most need reminding of.

Check it out below, and let’s get right in to it.


… if you really, really want to climb the ladder of life, you have to be the one who reaches for that first rung. There’s no reason to do it alone, and you can enlist the help of others, but that help won’t come if you simply sit and stare at the ladder.

Longest Chapter written to date, and one which took me about five hours to write.

That was my own fault — I didn’t plan and prepare properly — but I’m super happy with how the Chapter ended up. So read it and take in the advice, because it got me to where I am today, and I’m 98 3/4 percent sure it’ll get me further as time goes on.


You know, for a long time I’ve wanted to use Word on the Street in something related to Modern Street Talk, but the opportunity has always alluded me.

That is, until today. Because I’ve shoehorned it in with no regard for if it makes total sense or not.


I don’t have a quote to drag out of this Chapter, because it was mainly just a build up to the reveal of my first ever video for NCC Group. So delve right in there by clicking above and give the video a watch.


When one of SpaceX’s Falcon rockets completely decimated itself earlier today, we were reminded (and some of us taught) that in order to push the boundaries of what is possible, we must learn to accept there will be failures which cause a backwards or sideways step.

I’d written a bit of a post by the time I hit the gym at 8pm on Thursday, but it was kinda ‘eh. As it so happens, a new idea pinged in to my head while I was sat on the bikes watching the news. And this Chapter is much better than the one I originally had planned, trust me.


On the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th or 20th of May 2017 when you read these past Chapters, know I was not in a good frame of mind to write, but that the night was a ton of fun.

I will never, ever drink gin again. Not under any circumstance.


I’m doing that thing again where I announce and then begin a regular post series.

Five videos. All worth watching. Especially, especially the last one.

Stories I’ve read and loved on Medium this week

Dream of the right person to be with. Be with that person.

Much later: die happy.

James Altucher is the most unique writer I have the pleasure of reading on this here website. His posts always seem to have this insanely creative and emotional edge to them that make me actively want to take in what he has to say.

This post is as pure an example of that edge as you’ll find from James, and it has some cracking advice wedged in there too.

As an actor, Wilder was a little like Will Ferrell if Will Ferrell stopped trying so hard. He could do manic or peeved or perplexed. He could be boyish or outraged, a goof or a tyrant. As a movie star, he was off-kilter in a way that made you lean closer, not back.

This more interesting than anything, and if you’re a fan of Gene Wilder you’ll enjoy the read. Certainly worth your time.

As humans we are designed to be fascinated by the novel and the new, its what caused us to leave the caves, to find new lands and become who we are. Today our understanding is on an exponential upwards curve and access to the internet is a commodity that younger generations have come to expect as a given.

A great little piece by my friend Mark Davies, inspired by the words of Jason Silva.

There’s this default human condition to trust others and give the benefit of the doubt. Some may question why I took the job in the first place or continued to work for them when there were so many red flags. To those people I say this: there is also a default human condition to not give up.

This is the longest piece of writing I’ve ever read online, but damn did Penny Kim keep me hooked. A great read with a ton of indispensable takeaways.

That’s all folks, thanks for reading Chapter 112!

If you love my stuff, please consider giving it a recommend by turning the little heart green.

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