Sunday Summary #6


Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
4 min readSep 11, 2016


Welcome to the sixth edition of the Sunday Summary.

The Sunday Summary is a weekly post that recaps my previous seven days of Chapter-ing. This way, you can get a quick snapshot of my week, and delve in to any posts you might’ve missed.

It’s been another busy week, but I’ve started to get in to a bit more of a routine around planning my Chapters and then executing on those ideas.

That’s the most demanding part though, the execution. Finding and dedicating the time is always a challenge, but it’s one I’m pretty welcome too.

Plus, the more ideas I can get down on paper, the easier my life becomes.

This week started off back in Barrow — which I miss immensely — and then just dragged on and on and on once I got back to Manchester and in to work on Tuesday.

Four day weeks are just not the one.

Also, I’ve added another piece of writing to my Sundays now! No longer will the Sunday Summary be a solitary piece of dull-ass writing, it’s about to have another post to share time with: Stories I’ve loved on Medium this week.

It’s essentially what used to be the end of the Sunday Summary, but extended in to a proper post of its own.

It makes more sense that way.

On with the Summary!


Those random nights on the field, Tuesday pub quizzes at the Bay Horse, grabbing lunch at the Old Smithy, random trips to Ulverston or further afield to the Lakes, walking around town for no other reason than to grab a Maccies and get out of the house, Saturday nights in the Railway and Bar Five and Kavanagh’s and Buddha Bar and Club M, Liverpool matches at home with my Dad while the smell of Sunday roast drifted through from the kitchen. I miss it all.


Each day is a mini-struggle. Each idea I put in to words is met with self-doubt. Each Chapter is a battle of time management, motivation and self-discipline. I could’ve quit a long time ago.

Why do I still write?


In an age where almost everything we know about human existence can be searched from a mini computer that sits in our pockets, patience doesn’t even enter the discussion.


For a guy who studied Film and Media at university, it’s quite ridiculous how many of the best films of all time I’ve haven’t actually seen.

The Shawshank Redemption: nope.

The Godfather: nah.

Schindler’s List: nein.

12 Angry Men: nada.

In fact, out of the top ten IMDb films, I’ve seen four.



Business is money. It’s horrible and something not a lot of people want to admit, but that’s all it is.


Not a ton to introduce here this week. Except to say that the videos here go from very funny to very serious, very quickly.

Videos this week come from Casually Explained, Gothamist (Vimeo), Maltesers, ASAPScience and the Movember Foundation.


Y’all know that I don’t just create content, I consume it to. Videos, blog posts, social media posts, even (sometimes) newspaper articles.

Finally I’ve ditched the Sunday Summary as a stand-alone Sunday Chapter. Now on a Saturday you’ll get my videos of the week, and on Sunday you’ll get my stories of the week. Perfect.

Actually, and as a matter of fact, the Sunday Summary isn’t even going to be a Chapter anymore. It’ll just be a standard post.

Poor Sunday Summary.

Thanks for reading!

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