There are two types of mistake

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog


As humans, we make mistakes. Some of us make mistakes more than others. Some of us less so than others. But we all make mistakes, they’re unavoidable. They’re an inevitable part of life.

And while mistakes can manifest in all shapes and sizes, there are only two distinct types:

  • A mistake where you let yourself down, and only you feel the repercussions of your error.
  • A mistake where you let others down, and you’re just one of many who feel the repercussions of that mistake.

The latter teaches a lesson. It tells us that those around us – even those we trust the most – can serve us pain and suffering through their mistakes. It tells us that people are not perfect.

And it teaches us to never rely on others. When we do, we place our fate – however serious or trivial it may be – in their hands. They hold all of the cards and we are powerless. One wrong move by them and it all crumbles for us.

Is that how you want your life to be decided? With the road you walk on laid by people you depend on?

No, I didn’t think so.

Take back control. Hold responsibility for 99% of your life. Live by your mistakes.

Thanks for reading Chapter 219

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