Throw yourself in to everything

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2016

If you’re passionate about life, odds are you love saying yes.

Yes is your favourite word.

Yes to that networking event, even though you’ve had a long day at work.
Yes to writing that blog post, even though you probably won’t hit publish until 2am.
Yes to attending a two-day shoot, even though you were planning on relaxing this weekend.
Yes to that coffee with a potential client, even though you’re not bookable until next year.
Yes to a new project, even though it puts you completely outside your comfort zone.

Yes opens doors. Yes creates opportunities. Yes moves us forward.

Your yes has unlimited potential and untapped power. Use it.

Throw yourself at everything.

Hey, thanks for reading Chapter 151! I have a few extra Chapters I think you’ll enjoy:

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