Want to Teach in Thailand in 2022? Get Your Degree Legalised Before Leaving the UK

How to save yourself a lot of time and money

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog


Photo by Robin Noguier on Unsplash

Update (May 2022): Hey, just so you know, all of the steps below still apply to Thailand teaching visas and work permits in 2022. If this process doesn’t work for you, or if you have any questions, you can find me on IG @EllMorrow.

On a frustratingly frequent basis, the whole process of working and living legally in Thailand gets just a little more complicated. And nothing has complicated matters more for a lot of people than the fact that, since 2018, the British Embassy in Bangkok no longer legalises degree certificates and transcripts. You need those two documents legalised in order to successfully apply for a Non-Immigrant B visa and work permit.

As a result, you should aim to get the whole legalisation process completed before leaving the UK, otherwise you’ll be waiting longer and paying more.

Here’s what I’d highly recommend doing before you leave the UK, especially if you’re planning to teach in Bangkok. I didn’t do this and it caused a mountain of frustration.

One thing to note: If you have a Masters, PGCE, PGCEi or anything similar, you’ll need to get those academic documents legalised in the same way it’s explained below.

