We know how it’s done

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readDec 12, 2016


What do we crave most on social media? Likes. Comments. Shares. Followers.


We crave it, long for it, and yet we already know how to achieve it.

Photos in desirable locations.

Photos of a desirable physique.

Photos of a desirable life.

All of the above get you attention. They get you likes, comments, shares and followers. People want to be you, and they obsess over your content as a result.

So, if we crave social attention, why don’t we follow the tried and tested way?

Because most of us are, naturally, trying to be different. We know how to get likes and attention, but we don’t want to lead people in that direction.

We care about the impact our content has. We’re less bothered about consistent numbers and more bothered about how our content affects others. If you’ve made something — thought it, designed it, created it — then you want it to have impact, not bucket loads of attention.

I want to have impact. I do not want bucket loads of attention.

My life will not be lead with a desire to have hundreds of thousands of followers. It will not be lead with a desire to show others how great my life is compared to theirs. It will be lead with a desire to positively and consistently affect those around me.

I want to have impact.

Caring about numbers is antithetical to caring about the impact and quality of your work.

- Seth Godin

Thanks for reading Chapter 211!

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