Crypto Regulatory Affairs: The US Shuts Down 3 Terror Financing Campaigns

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4 min readAug 18, 2020

The U.S. Shuts Down 3 Terror Financing Campaigns and Seizes Hundreds of Terrorist Organizations’ Cryptocurrency Accounts

In exciting news this week, the Justice Department announced the dismantling of three crypto-based terrorist financing campaigns associated with al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, al-Qaida and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), also known as ISIL or Daesh. These groups were using social media platforms to fundraise globally and solicit donations via cryptocurrency deposits to support their terrorist activities.

Millions of dollars were identified in over 300 cryptoasset accounts that were seized by US government agencies. Once a case is closed, funds forfeited and connected to a state sponsor of terrorism, will be transferred to the U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund, and provide compensation to victims.

Back in April 2019, Elliptic had already traced bitcoins from a Hamas terrorist financing campaign, and by using network analysis, we were able to map out the network of fund movements. Elliptic’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Tom Robinson provides more context in his blog What The US Takedown of Terrorist Financing Means for Crypto Businesses.

UK JMLSG Publishes AML/CFT Best Practices for the Financial Services Sector: Clear Guidance for Banks and Crypto Businesses is here!

The UK Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG), a private-sector body, comprised of leading UK trade associations, has published a new chapter to be added to Part II of its AML/CFT guidance, also known as “Sector 22”, with detailed information for cryptoasset exchanges and custodian wallet providers. The new guidance offers clear definitions, do’s and don’ts, and also highlights the importance of blockchain analysis for monitoring AML/CFT risk.

The guide is essential reading for every crypto exchange compliance team and offers practical risk mitigation suggestions, system design enhancements, and clarifications regarding record-keeping, handling of suspicious activity reports, sanctions screening, and customer due diligence practices. If your business has an AML/CFT manual or handbook, this document should be its companion as a comprehensive explanatory annex. Happy reading!

German Regulator Starts to Shut Down Unlicensed Bitcoin ATMs

Last January, Germany issued a new regulation, requiring crypto businesses to obtain authorization from BaFIN, Germany’s top financial regulator, to operate. Seven months later, BaFin has begun closing unauthorized bitcoin ATMs operating without a license. The lesson from regulators globally is that even if it takes a while, enforcement will eventually follow regulations if operators do not comply. It’s a must to maintain a valid license and registration, and stay up to date with developments, or face the consequences of being ordered to cease operations.

CFTC Action Against Interactive Brokers for AML and Supervisory Violations — More than 12 Million Dollars

Interactive Brokers, a U.S.-based brokerage firm, and a registered futures commission merchant received charges from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for “failing to diligently supervise its officers’, employees’, and agents’ handling of several commodity trading accounts. They failed to adequately implement procedures to detect and report suspicious transactions as required under federal anti-money laundering (AML) laws and regulations.”

Interactive Brokers must pay a civil monetary penalty of $11.5 million and give up $706,214 of profits earned unethically/illegally. Additionally, Interactive Brokers must hire a third-party compliance consultant to “review and report on the AML and supervisory issues raised in the order”. This is a costly reminder of the necessity for policies and procedures not only to be in place but also to be routinely followed, tested, and refreshed with staff, personnel, agents, and vendors.

Global Banking Association, Wolfsberg Group, Publishes Statement on Developing an Effective AML/CFT Program

The Wolfsberg Group is a nongovernmental banking association made up of thirteen global banks, focused on setting standards for AML/CFT and management of financial crime risk. This week, the Group issued a document outlining steps that financial institutions can take to further grow and evolve their AML/CFT regimes. The 2-page document emphasizes these five areas as immediate steps to evolve AML/CFT programs:

1. Assess risk in defined priority areas, for example, those from a national risk assessment publication.

2. Implement/enhance controls: Assess controls against identified risks (point 1).

3. Prioritize resources, for example, harness technology developments to support AML/CFT program robustness.

4. Engage with law enforcement through public-private-partnerships

5. Demonstrate programmatic effectiveness, for example by articulating the AML/CFT program to Senior Executives or Boards and use both quantitative and qualitative descriptors in doing so.

The Wolfsberg Group also issued an FAQ publication focusing on the source of wealth and source of funds, which is a useful framework to refer to when defining these parameters in your compliance program.




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