Crypto Regulatory Affairs: U.S. To Seize 280 Crypto Accounts Linked To North Korean Hacks

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4 min readSep 3, 2020

U.S. DOJ takes action to seize 280 crypto accounts linked to North Korean Hacks

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a civil forfeiture complaint against 280 cryptoasset accounts that were involved in the laundering of over USD 2.8 million dollars stolen during two hacking incidents in July and September 2019. Both hacks were conducted by the well-known North Korean criminal outfit, the Lazarus Group. The accounts used to launder funds were controlled by two Chinese criminals that are tied to earlier sanctions imposed by the US Treasury and its Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) in March 2020. Wallet addresses linked to these individuals were labeled in the Elliptic tool at that time and are covered by Elliptic’s risk rules.

  1. The accounts were used to launder USD 272,000 in cryptoassets stolen in the July 2019 hack, with the funds then converted into other forms of cryptocurrency and funneled through some of the accounts.
  2. One hundred accounts were used to launder USD 2.5 million in cryptoassets stolen in the September 2019 hack.

The investigation into the cryptoasset accounts has involved multiple US agencies, including the FBI, U.S. Cyber Command and the Internal Revenue Service, demonstrating a strong inter-agency coordination effort and effective response, resulting in this seizure. Elliptic’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Tom Robinson explains the history of sanctions involving the Lazarus Group and delves into the details of the hacks in this on-demand webinar.

Brazilian cryptoasset companies make a strong move towards self-regulation

Brazil’s association of cryptoasset companies, Abcripto has published a code of self-regulation, signed by prominent cryptoasset companies accounting for 80 percent of the cryptoasset market in the country, including Foxbit, Ripio, Bitcoin Market, and Novadax. Abcripto aims to have USD 100 billion worth cryptoasset market volume signatories by the end of 2020.

The aim of this action is to legitimize and boost adoption of cryptoassets in Brazil as well as to establish operational practices and compliance standards that all association members adhere to, consequently standardizing the market. In some countries, governmental regulation is still under review or entirely lacking, and in these instances, industry initiatives such as self-regulation helps the crypto industry grow, mature and develop more rapidly. It’s great to see industry bodies proactively making business easier, by standardizing such practices as KYC and other global requirements.

UK FCA proposes a plan to obligate cryptoasset businesses to report money laundering information — for comment

The UK regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), is proposing that cryptoasset exchanges and wallet custodians operating in the country take on additional reporting obligations and provide the agency with more information about money laundering risks to their business. Specifically, all “cryptoasset exchange providers and custodian wallet providers” must provide the FCA with a report about their financial crime risk, “irrespective of their total annual revenue.”

According to the FCA proposal, the report should include information such as customer segmentation, for example, how many customers are based in high-risk jurisdictions, the number of customers refused service or terminated for financial crime reasons, as well as the types of crime risk (e.g. fraud) associated with specific wallets or customers. Have your say on the FCA proposal and consultation paper which s open for comment by industry and associations through November 23rd, 2020 on the FCA website here.

Florida state senator opines on cryptoasset and blockchain opportunities for the state

Florida State Senator Jeff Brandes has published a letter of comment with a clear message: Florida should be leading the way for blockchain and cryptoassets, alongside Wyoming. Senator Brandes supported House Bill 1391 which was passed in July 2020 and “created an innovation-friendly regulatory sandbox for cutting-edge financial technology firms to experiment” in Florida. Senator Brandes also notes the work and mission of the Florida Blockchain Task Force, established within the Florida Department of Financial Services, to explore and develop a roadmap for the expansion of blockchain and technology in the state. We will keep following up on developments in Florida to see what the legislature, industry groups, and entrepreneurs are up to in the sunshine state!

US CFTC to host its first Empower Innovation 2020 session on September 24th

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is the regulatory body charged with promoting the integrity, resilience, and vibrancy of the U.S. derivatives market. LabCFTC is now launching a three-part series titled ‘Empower Innovation 2020’, designed as a virtual meetup and dialogue space amongst innovators, regulators, market participants, and the public, all interested in fintech innovations.

The first session, scheduled for Thursday, September 24th at 10 am EDT is titled The Power of Innovation: Where Tech & Crisis Collide. The session will livestream webcasts, presentations, and offer opportunities for audience polling and Q&A. Speakers include CFTC Chairman and Chief Innovation Officer & Director, LabCFTC as well as representatives from Katten Muchin and Rosenman, LLP, Citi, and Deloitte Consulting. Registration is free and available here.




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