Russian troll farms and the $1 million in crypto used to influence US elections — 4 compliance takeaways from blockchain insights

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5 min readSep 11, 2020

On 10 September 2020, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned four Russia-linked individuals for attempting to influence U.S. elections. Here’s four compliance take aways from Elliptic’s blockchain analysis findings.

Andrii Derkach, a Ukrainian member of parliament and suspected Russian spy, is accused of attempting to influence the 2020 presidential election by promoting unsubstantiated allegations about various political figures.

Russian nationals Artem Lifshits, Anton Andreyev, and Darya Aslanova have also been sanctioned. As employees of the St Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) — an online “troll factory”, they are accused of supporting efforts to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections. Of particular note — they made use of cryptocurrency to fund this activity.

“OFAC have listed 23 cryptocurrency addresses linked to Andreyev and Lifshits. Close to USD 1 million in cryptoassets passed through these addresses between May 2017 and January 2019 — with transactions ending soon after the midterm elections of November 2018,” Dr. Tom Robinson, Chief Scientist and Co-Founder, at blockchain analytics firm Elliptic.

This isn’t the first time that Russian operatives have been found to be seeking to influence US elections, or have used cryptocurrency to help them do so. In 2018 Elliptic described how Russian operatives used bitcoin to purchase infrastructure such as servers and VPNs, which were used to hack the Hilary Clinton campaign and leak sensitive material, with the aim of influencing the 2016 presidential election.

Crypto businesses and financial institutions use Elliptic’s blockchain monitoring solutions to screen crypto transactions and wallets for links to sanctioned actors such as these. Analysis of Andreyev and Lifshits’ blockchain activity also provide some important insights for crypto compliance professionals, which we describe here.

1. A range of cryptoassets were used, but bitcoin still dominated the illicit activity

The 23 crypto addresses listed by OFAC included Bitcoin (14), Ethereum (3), Litecoin (3), Zcash (1), Dash (1) and Bitcoin SV (1).

If we calculate the US dollar value of funds received by these addresses we get the following breakdown:

Bitcoin dominates (64% of funds received), followed by Ether (27%) and Zcash (8%). Relatively small amounts were received in Dash, Bitcoin SV and Litecoin.

As we have observed with other illicit activity, Bitcoin and to a lesser extent Ether are the cryptoassets of choice. Their wide availability and high liquidity make them convenient and their broad adoption helps illicit actors to blend into the crowd — which is perhaps more difficult to achieve when using a specialised, privacy-centric cryptocurrency.

However, the range of cryptoassets used here is in itself notable, and may demonstrate that illicit actors are moving towards the use of a broader variety of cryptoassets and “Chain-hopping” techniques to hide their tracks. In particular this represents the first inclusion of a privacy coin address on OFAC’s SDN list.

2. Privacy coins such as Zcash were used, but not very effectively

In the OFAC designation, Anton Andreyev is linked to a Zcash address. Zcash is a privacy coin — a type of cryptocurrency that can be far more challenging to trace than the likes of Bitcoin and Ether. It can be used in two ways — through “transparent addresses”, which can be tracked on the blockchain, and “shielded addresses” which are not visible on the blockchain.

The address associated with Andreyev is a transparent address — meaning that we can observe how much it has received — around US $80,000 worth of Zcash as mentioned above. It also means that we can use Elliptic’s blockchain monitoring techniques and data to identify it as belonging to a major cryptocurrency exchange (we will not name the exchanges involved to respect confidentiality).

We can also see that all of the incoming transactions have come directly from another major cryptocurrency exchange. So, although the Russian operative used a privacy coin to transfer a significant sum, it was not used in a way that masked their activity.

3. Exchange accounts were used, rather than unhosted wallets

Of the 23 addresses used by the sanctioned individuals, at least eleven belong to cryptocurrency exchanges — as identified through Elliptic’s blockchain monitoring tools. In fact, one or more accounts at a single, well-known exchange received over 96% of the USD 1 million in crypto involved.

So rather than create their own (unhosted) wallets, Lifshits and Andreyev chose to transact through accounts at exchanges. They may have chosen to operate in this way because of the low standards of KYC and AML controls in force at these exchanges — presenting a low risk of being identified through use of these services.

Increased regulatory clarity since the time of these transactions means that far more exchanges enforce strict KYC controls, however there are still some outliers that remain non-compliant. They are also likely to have used these exchanges to purchase further cryptoassets to fund their activity.

Compliance officers at financial institutions and crypto service providers should ensure that they understand which exchanges their customers are receiving funds from, and whether those exchanges are meeting their regulatory obligations. Elliptic Discovery can be used to achieve exactly this — providing risk profiles of hundreds of global exchanges and other crypto service providers.

4. OFAC made a small (but important) mistake

In their original notification, OFAC omitted one character from the end of one of the Ethereum addresses linked to Artem Lifshits:

The address listed as “0xa7e5d5a720f06526557c513402f2e6b5fa20b00” is missing a character at the end — as written, it is not a valid Ethereum account address.

The Elliptic Data Team quickly identified this mistake and immediately contacted OFAC, who confirmed to us that the intended address is in fact:


This precision and attention to detail highlights the value of working with an experienced and trusted blockchain analytics partner such as Elliptic to meet sanctions compliance obligations.

All of the addresses listed by OFAC were immediately added to our systems and with a priority on notifying customers to screen their crypto transactions and wallets for links to these sanctioned actors. This included the address that was originally misstated by OFAC so that customers could screen with the level of accuracy needed, and expected, to be fully compliant.

If you’re a crypto business or financial institution and would like to know more about sanctions compliance for cryptoassets, Elliptic crypto compliance experts are here to help.





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