Media Spotlight: Jim Buscaglio of Microadvice CX Podcast

Leia Ruseva
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2021
Jim Buscaglio

We’re super fortunate to be working with extremely talented media creators who are demystifying thorny topics — from AI to careers and getting your first customers.

In our new Media Spotlight series, we’ll be introducing you to one creator at a time, helping you discover interesting articles, newsletters and podcasts.

Our first guest is Jim Buscaglio, host of the Microadvice CX Podcast.

EllisX: Describe your work in a sentence or two.

Jim: I help startups through mid-sized companies understand how to deliver a better customer experience through education, tools, strategic advice, and strategy execution.

EllisX: How did you start writing for a living?

Jim: I started the Microadvice CX Podcast because I saw a need for startups and small business leaders to share their CX stories. The Podcast offers tips, lessons, and anecdotes from CEOs and other business leaders who have dedicated their products and services to being customer-first. As the host, I guide the conversation to elicit time-tested solutions to help other founders and small business leaders understand what a superior CX looks like, and how to deliver it.

EllisX: What makes you passionate about the topics you are covering?

Jim: Customer experience is a topic that impacts every single organization delivering a product or service. Delivering a strong customer experience, in my view, is the perfect mix between critically understanding people’s needs, processes required to deliver on those needs, and technology that enables those processes to work effectively so that you can achieve the outcomes your customers expect. This mix varies in every organization based their specific customers’ needs. I find it fascinating to uncover the unique experience particular customers demand using a product or service, and how the provider can best achieve delivering that experience.

EllisX: How are you thinking about diversity and inclusion in your work?

Jim: Everyone encounters some sort of customer experience; with every product or service we touch. As customers, we are trying to achieve an outcome, complete a job, or fulfill a need by using a product or service. Given this, it’s critical to hear and understand all voices to ensure the right CX can be delivered. This sentiment of ensuring all voices are heard carries through in the guests I select to be a part of the MicroAdvice CX Podcast. I want to make sure the CX message being shared is inclusive of a variety of perspectives and personal experiences, so companies can hear these message to better sever their customers overall.

EllisX: What’s your favorite thing about EllisX?

Jim: It is very simple to use, and I can track where each request falls in the booking process.

EllisX: Where can our community follow your work?

Jim: Website at or Youtube:

