Weekly Roundup Volume 2

This week’s roundup focuses on User Research, and great places on Medium to learn more!

2 min readJun 3, 2017


Dribble shot by Markus Magnusson

Never Ask What They Want
Great tips on how to conduct User Research and Testing.

UX Tools for User Research & Testing
Ever wondered what tools to use for User Research and User Testing? Look no further than the list aggregated by uxdesign.cc

The 7 Deadly Sins of User Research
User Research can be fraught with a number of pitfalls. Check out some common problems and ideas on how to solve for them.

User Research. Empathy is the Best UX Policy
The importance of creating empathy from User Research.

Creating Personas
Modeling your core users is an incredibly important skill for creating products that solve real problems.

Design words with data
Did you think Google Search Trends was only useful for the popularity of words over time? Think again. “Sign In vs. Sign On, Log In vs. Log On” Use Google Search Trends to match your users’ expectations with your site.

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