Weekly Roundup Volume 4

This week’s roundup brings more great design reads from around the web and here on Medium

3 min readSep 5, 2017


Dribbble shot by Markus Magnusson

Wireframing 101 & Feedback Management
A great article by our friends at Viget with the scoop on Wireframing and how to give and receive feedback on your wireframes

Sketch first then wireframe later
Wireframes can be intimidating at first glance. Mary Shaw takes the edge off by illustrating how sketching can ease your pains

How to use Wireframes to focus your users attention
Maintaining the attetntion of your users is essential, and a recent article from The Rectangles sums this up perfectly

Getting started on the right foot
Need a little bump to get your mind going in the right direction before you wireframe? Prototypr.io has got you covered

The Big Meeting: Presenting Wireframes to Clients
Clients can be scary. Presenting a non-finished design to clients can be even scarier. uxdesign.cc breaks down how to tackle this scary feat

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